How can I impress my friends?


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12 Aug 2001
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I've invited some friends out on my boat tomorrow (weather permitting) but I really don't know where I can take them for a quick beer and a spot of lunch. I have a 22 foot boat and I don't have a dinghy. Where can I moor up to? Is there anywhere in Swanage or Studland? I'm based in Poole.
Many thanks.


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15 Jun 2001
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Studland will take a lot of beating, especially if friends are not too experienced on a boat, it's only a short run form the Haven, about 7 miles from Poole Quay.

There are plenty of buoys, off the south beach, nearest to Old Harry. The Bankes Arms have their own courtsey buoys for you to use, so you can visit them, of course. The Bankes Arms makes a pleasant place to visit for a pint or two and bite to eat. Need a dinghy to get ashore, of course. So probably no good as you don't have one!

You'll probably need the anchor for Swanage. There are lots and lots of buoys, but all privately owned. People do use them, but you may get shouted at by an owner! Be careful where you drop the anchor, as its easy to get it fouled in all the chains laid down for buoys. There is a water taxi service run in Swanage, so you can get ashore. Not sure how reliable it is, it's run by the people who hire out boats near the pier. It only seems to run when they are busy. But as it's holiday time, and if the weather is good it may well be running. Plenty of good pubs etc. in Swanage.

Old Chinese proverb 'Man who sail boat into rice field, soon get into paddy'