Hope nobody was watching


New member
11 Oct 2002
Home in Chilterns, Boat in Southampton, Another bo
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I'm back in Shamrock Quay now that its been redeveloped, it's got lots of individual finger pontoons, quite like a proper marina.

There has always been a bit of a cross tide to deal with at certain times of the tidal cycle, but I got caught leaving my berth the other day.

Quite early on the flood the tide would appear to run at about 45 degrees to the logical. The result was my mid fender, with pressure on it caused by this tidal pressure, acted as a pivot point. The boat stood still and just weathercocked. No harm done but it's not happened to me before.

Later observations on the strong ebb showed the reverse effect. with a tendency to move me towards the finger.

The afternoon was filled with the crunch of GRP and the plaintive moan of the boat owner. The stream really does seem to be a mystery to so many. The most common fault appeared to be entering the marinas channels on the down stream side which resulted in many boats being pinned across the bows or sterns of moored yachts (what price a transom hung rudder) or attempting to enter down tide berths. I only saw one guy take a look and go somewhere else till the tide eased.

Tricky stuff this boat driving.

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