Sailed from Plymouth to Canaries Dec 2nd and took Target hf for trial. Strung the aerial around the saloon headling,used a phono lead jack to jack,( Thanks Jools) found Northwood schedules, ignored the grounding issue,and.......HEY BLOODY PRESTO it worked! Surface analyis, swell, Surface T+24,T+48,T+72 all the way across Biscay until laptop display settings played up. A great comfort, Navtex was hit and miss. Was not so pleased with audio reception but that was an installation issue probably, and secondary to the fax function. So a big THANK YOU to all on this forum who pointed me in the right direction.Long may it continue. Does anyone know of an alternative to Target? I,m thinking of a portable with 3-30Mhz digital tuning to do same job but portable from boat to boat to home. Sony?
<hr width=100% size=1>paul
<hr width=100% size=1>paul