No, spose you're right. Glad to see you are being attentive. Orf to Atlanta again tomorrow where it's much colder than 'ere. Will be incommunicado till after Crimbo.
Merry Christmas
Actually, there have been discussions about "heads". I brought up the subject of "composting heads" awhile back.
It would seem that if you frequent the American Boating Forums...there is much talk about "heads", especially marine heads. I'm not sure if this is because so many Americans are "anal".......or they (we) have alot of trouble operating a marine head.
Sorry Mrs. B. Didn't notice your post. What is perm lotion and what does it smell like (and don't say perm lotion!). You can get a nasty smell from bacteria which develop in the flush water inlet system, and you can buy a device which eliminates this. Have a look at and you might find out all about it.
If everyone used a VacuFlush head, there would be even less discussion. They are the ultimate: no smell, use small amounts of fresh water, easy to maintain. In 8 yr of frequent use I've only had one minor in-warranty problem. I don't understand why people put up with those smelly hand pump/electric pump salt water stinkers. Perhaps it's a macho thing
I told you earlier: contact Lee Sanitation: they do a little kit that drops into your inlet line and kanes your heads smell "super sweet" (although I think this is before rather than after!). The kit is called "Flush-it" and you can ring Lee San on 01295 770000.
If everyone used a vacu-flush the world would be deafened by the horrible sucking noises! Seriously, the vacu flush is a good dydtem but it is noisy and can wake the whole boat up. My favourite is the Microphore, which runs on compressed air and is virtually silent. Very relaibel, and we have never blocked it in 12 years. Runner up is the Sani-compact, a macerator toilet but also quiet, and we haven't managed to block that in the five years its been in. Both units are installed in cabins used by guests so it is a good test.
Of course the supreme toilet is the Dutch pipe: literally a toilet bowl on top of a 4" pipe going straight through the bottom of the boat. No pumps, no valves, just gravity. We've never blocked that one either!
Little late replying - been up north (Atlanta) for Christmas and cold it was, too.
You are right about the noisy VacuFlush. It makes that sucking noise then the vac pump clunks away for 30 sec or so. We ask people not to flush it at night unless they do biggies in it!
I've never heard of the others you mention. Are they European?
i'm sure that it was actually published in MBY magazine. In fact, it could have been one of the first poistings to be published, and has clearly gone down in the er anals of history.