As you know I am doing my VHF course tomorrow with my wife. We will be using a handheld Garmin VHF that we bought. Do you think that everyone on board should have one, like lifejackets. Just think that if I fall in and have the radio in my pocket, the others would be stuck, same as if my wife was holding it and fell in, or if it fell in on it's own. I was thinking of getting a another five, so all aboard can have one each and a spare. It may be cheaper to put a fixed radio on the boat and make use of the DSC facility, what do you think? Just made me think as well, that I only have one EPIRB, who is going to hold that, or should I get five more of them? I think too much thinking can be a bad thing, it seems to be a matter of judging it just right, but that requires experience, which I am relying on from you lot. /forums/images/icons/wink.gif