It's a courtesy, as the name suggests, and its quite a nice looking flag.
If you can't find one locally there is a chandler (Boatworks+) at the fuel dock in St Peter Port, and another (Seaquest) at North Parade - on your right as you face the town from the marina, before you get to the Information Centre.
I made the mistake of buying the courtesy flags for the Channel Islands and then I read in Reeds Almanac that to use them is bad etiquette as the C.I's are part of the United Kingdom.
"Jersey is neither part of the United Kingdom nor a colony but is rather a Crown Dependency. Jersey's citizens are not represented in the United Kingdom Parliament (whose acts extend to Jersey only in circumstances where the States of Jersey are in agreement). The Island's allegiance is to the British Crown, the basis of such loyalty deriving through the claim of the sovereign as successor of the Dukes of Normandy.
The constitutional relationship with the United Kingdom is the product of over 900 years of custom and usage and is not affected by changes of government in the United Kingdom. This relationship has been confirmed by Royal Charters which, over the centuries, have secured the independence of the Island's judicial system from the English courts and granted important privileges including freedom from United Kingdom taxes.
Jersey is not part of the European Union being neither a separate Member State nor an Associate Member. The Island's special relationship with the European Union is defined by a Protocol attached to the Treaty of Accession of the United Kingdom to the European Community. Any change in these arrangements would require a Treaty amendment which would require the agreement of all the Member States including the United Kingdom."
What we really want to know, preferably from a Guernsey resident, is the local attitude. Nobody wants to fly a courtesy flag if it's going to cause offence, nor omit flying it for the same reason. If it doesn't matter then that's worth knowing too
Both Jersey & Guernsey are happy to see visiting yachts flying the Jersey Flag (see above) or the Guernsey flag...
However (most) yotties will not take offence at the lack of local flag or the use of the Red Ensign.
At the end of the day we are just happy to see visitors! /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif
The almanac advice has always seemed strange to me; because courtesy flags have always been welcomed in Scotland, Wales and the Isle of Mann. However, most boats do follow the almanac advice with regard to the CI.
'Wharro yer crapeaud!'
Greeting customarily given to Jersey folk when berthing in elizabeth marina. Works especially well on those in authority! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
As Eccles rightly points out both Guerns (Eccles may well say Donkeys) and Jersey folk really don't mind a courtesy flag being shown being shown (just make sure you get the right flag for the right Island, as we're always happy to see visitors.
If you are having difficulty getting a Guernsey flag, PM me as we sell them. £6.99 and I'll send it out post free as you're a forumite.
I'm just waiting for the 'Donkey' jibe from Eccles - first time visitors might think there's some kind of serious rivalry between our Islands, but we all love each other really.
Eh, Eccles mon viar? /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Don't be pedantic. Here is the quote:- "British Yachts do not fly a courtesy in the Channel Islands since these are part of the British Isles".
[/ QUOTE ]
But Reeds also states: "Many yachts fly a courtesy flag in CI ports as a mark of politeness, but it is not essential" (9.19.6)
I was evacuated as a child from Guernsey just prior to the German invasion, (for many reasons we never returned after the war) and I can remember my mother wistfully singing a song called 'Sarnia Cherie' in the Guernsey patois, which was also sung at Channel Islands refugee get-togethers, brought back some memories at the mention of the name... thank you.