GT 35


Well-known member
23 Aug 2005
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You really think Snooksy is in on some kind of conspiracy manufactured to try and falsely elaborate a yacht test article? What you're demanding is possibly the furthest extreme of moral correctitude where NOBODY lives. I imagine Snooks doesn't get much time to develop his creative piece, sort out his text and decide on the myriad of things he has to leave out for quantity reasons. If he leaves out something (not saying he did mind you) that the pedants then judge to be utterly crucial to consumer rights (PAH!) then it still doesn't prove conspiracy. Life just isn't like that. Telly might be, but proper life isn't.

"calm down my dear".... :).... just hinting at how GT et al might improve their marketing chances... at the moment they are not doing very well


Well-known member
24 Sep 2003
Le Roussillon (South of France)
Utter rot.

I couldn't care less if you purport to be some sort of pro with heaps of journalistic experience. You're clearly unable to filter your experience with common sense, which is how one develops professional wisdom. I know "pro's" in my industry who are actually complete goons and who also suffer from the same righteous malignant verbal diarrhoea as you, so to cite your CV is no proof of eminence in my book.

Talk about attempting to unearth some sort conspiracy intended to dupe and trick. You need to contemplate the situation with a degree of appreciation of the efforts of these guys.

You seem quite confrontational for a relative newcomer to the forum.
I wonder who you were in a previous incarnation. :rolleyes: