Gosport area cruising clubs?s


New member
28 Nov 2002
Swansea, UK
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I have recently bought a 29' Holman and Pye cruiser racer. I have always been a sailor but I have found learning the ropes about engines and electrics a challenge! This website helps alot though!! After several years of neglect she is starting to look better... almost good enough to invite people aboard to have a drink!!

My boat is going to be on a swinging morring in Portsmouth Harbour next year. I was wondering if anyone knows of good clubs or associations that cruise the solent and further afield? I would like to start meeting some of the good sailing folk who help others by giving advice on this website... It would also be nice to sail/meet up with other boats.



PBO Meet group .....

I started a group some time ago and it has grown into a lively and enteratining bunch based mainly in the Solent ... ranging from my 25 ft up to the 39ft'r ..... honestly you could do a lot worse than join in ... we communicate via the Yahoo E-Groups service. (Why the name .... it came about as we formed via this very forum and when it was discontinued to clean up the act when it was compromnised we had to organise our own system ..... we are all back on the forum here, but continued the one we put together. We were even featured in PBO ..... and presented with PBO Burgees - but sorry they are long gone and used !! The guys are even now still sailing around the solent - regardless of the cold etc.

Another group is the GPS nav group ..... so here are the access details you need ......

For more information: http://www.pbo.co.uk/ybw/forums.htm
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Post message: gps-navigator@yahoogroups.com
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List owner: gps-navigator-owner@yahoogroups.com

Come on in and join the party !!

Nigel ...
Bilge Keelers get up further ! I only came - cos they said there was FREE Guinness !


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Where abouts in Portmouth Harbour?

"Bedouin" is also a Holman and Pye Cruiser/Racer design (a Centurion 32). I also hover around the PBOMeet board Nigel mentions.

Other than that there are dozens of Yacht Clubs in the Solent area. In Portsmouth Harbour there are clubs at Hardway and Porchester, and at least one more (Royal) whose name has escaped me.


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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<font color=blue>Quite a useful list of UK Yacht clubs located at:-</font color=blue>

<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.alexander-advertising.co.uk>http://www.alexander-advertising.co.uk</A>