Good youtuber


11 Jan 2018
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Mads. Can't knock his determination and attention to detail but each time he gets on a boat he's sick as a dog. Can't wait for him to untie his lines.

He makes brilliantly informative videos but I can’t see him ever going cruising. As you say, he seems to get extremely ill, to the point he’s a passenger, every time he makes a passage (Canaries passage and his passage from Kirkcudbright to Denmark being the two I’ve seen). I don’t see how it’s realistic for him to cruise without crew who can singlehand while he’s incapacitated. Not meaning to be cruel as I do enjoy his videos and he seems a lovely guy.


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22 Sep 2008
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He makes brilliantly informative videos but I can’t see him ever going cruising. As you say, he seems to get extremely ill, to the point he’s a passenger, every time he makes a passage (Canaries passage and his passage from Kirkcudbright to Denmark being the two I’ve seen). I don’t see how it’s realistic for him to cruise without crew who can singlehand while he’s incapacitated. Not meaning to be cruel as I do enjoy his videos and he seems a lovely guy.

I've sailed with two boat owners who were consistently flat on their back and no longer functioning as soon as they left the Solent over the 8-10 years I sailed with them. Never showed any improvement. And a fair few who weren't immune to seasickness by any means.

It may even be typical - I suspect seasickness is a pretty strong motivator to seek out people you trust to come sailing with you.

Perhaps it's easier to recruit crew for weekend week sailing that long distance cruising, though.


22 Sep 2004
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I read a little over halfway through the thread and saw the abuse being thrown about so I apologise if anyone has mentioned “Erik the Viking “ NBJS. He has an outstanding channel. As are others that have been mentioned, Patrick Laine, How to Sail Oceans, Samingo Sailing (something like that) plus a couple of others. Danish Mads has more patience than I could ever dream of having..


2 Mar 2019
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Got a bit heated a few of these replies. What happened to you "Good old chaps" English?
Play it with a straight forward defense and all that?
Is the looming lockdown 2.0 getting to you all there in the Old Dart?
Anyway, I am coming to the rescue with a bit of light relief with the world's worst sailing video on Youtube. Patreon free to boot. So bad that you will be messaging me for 1:21 seconds of your life back.
This happens to be from my own Youtube channel, a sailing channel so bad I have to pay people to watch it. Luckily, no one does as Im as poor as a church mouse and I'd be parting out $thousands I don't have. Anyway, you have been warned....



Well-known member
29 Sep 2009
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The current and the next Drake Paragon video look pretty interesting .Getting off a lee shore in stiff wind whilst tightly hemmed in by rocks and approaching icebergs.