New member
We usually moan about how hard done by we are, so I thought I'd put in a word on something good.
Last Sunday my old VHF gave up the ghost and I ordered a new SX 35 from allgadgets. The radio arrived on Tuesday. On Tuesday evening I put in a change of radio details form via the Internet to the radio licence people at Consignia. I telephoned them on Wednesday explaining that I wanted the MMSI number by Saturday in order to set up the new radio. I was asked to call back on Friday. Calling back yesterday I was promptly emailed with a new number.
So much for the idea that these things take ages.
Two beers please, my friend is paying.
Last Sunday my old VHF gave up the ghost and I ordered a new SX 35 from allgadgets. The radio arrived on Tuesday. On Tuesday evening I put in a change of radio details form via the Internet to the radio licence people at Consignia. I telephoned them on Wednesday explaining that I wanted the MMSI number by Saturday in order to set up the new radio. I was asked to call back on Friday. Calling back yesterday I was promptly emailed with a new number.
So much for the idea that these things take ages.
Two beers please, my friend is paying.