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I’m going to have to mould myself a kind of oblong, trough shaped thing with an integral lid. And either include during construction or retro fit inspection hatches to this lid for access.
I’m gonna do it in grp.
I plan to :-
i) Make a mould out of plywood in a trough shape about 3’ 6” x 1’ 6”.
ii) Wet it out with raw epoxy resin.
iii) Apply the layers of glass fibre into the trough shaped mould/plug, using an additive to the epoxy. I’m gonna oversize the glass fibre so it overhangs the external sides of the trough.
iv) Then plonk an appropriately sized piece of marine ply on top of the trough and flip the overhanging glass onto it.
v) Apply wetted glass fibres to the top of the marine ply lid so the whole things sealed in.
vi) Apply a final layer of epoxy resin with additive.
vii) Sprinkle on some none-slip gunk as this will eventually be my cockpit floor.
viii) At some point after the epoxy has set paint the lot in a 2 pack paint.
I want to have access hatches into the void - see question c).
My questions are:-
a) Will I need to use a release agent to get my fabrication out of the mould? – if so what?
b) What additive should I be using?
c) Am I better fitting the hatches during fabrication or afterwards?
d) Will I have any heat issues?
e) Should I include a fall and small drain hole in the bottom of the trough – or leave it totally watertight?
f) Anything wrong with the above plan?
g) Any other improvements or advice?
Much obliged for any help
<hr width=100% size=1>Pretend this is a link to a website.
I’m going to have to mould myself a kind of oblong, trough shaped thing with an integral lid. And either include during construction or retro fit inspection hatches to this lid for access.
I’m gonna do it in grp.
I plan to :-
i) Make a mould out of plywood in a trough shape about 3’ 6” x 1’ 6”.
ii) Wet it out with raw epoxy resin.
iii) Apply the layers of glass fibre into the trough shaped mould/plug, using an additive to the epoxy. I’m gonna oversize the glass fibre so it overhangs the external sides of the trough.
iv) Then plonk an appropriately sized piece of marine ply on top of the trough and flip the overhanging glass onto it.
v) Apply wetted glass fibres to the top of the marine ply lid so the whole things sealed in.
vi) Apply a final layer of epoxy resin with additive.
vii) Sprinkle on some none-slip gunk as this will eventually be my cockpit floor.
viii) At some point after the epoxy has set paint the lot in a 2 pack paint.
I want to have access hatches into the void - see question c).
My questions are:-
a) Will I need to use a release agent to get my fabrication out of the mould? – if so what?
b) What additive should I be using?
c) Am I better fitting the hatches during fabrication or afterwards?
d) Will I have any heat issues?
e) Should I include a fall and small drain hole in the bottom of the trough – or leave it totally watertight?
f) Anything wrong with the above plan?
g) Any other improvements or advice?
Much obliged for any help
<hr width=100% size=1>Pretend this is a link to a website.