Does anyone know of a brand of deck shoe which comes in a broad fitting? Or is there a brand which is just a bit broader than the rest. A ballet dancer I ain't, and I'm fed up looking for pumps that will fit.
Try Big Size Menswear,131,High Street,Street,Somerset tel.01458 443158 or at
I have no connection with this shop other than I have size 15 feet with a broad instep and I get my deckshoes there.Bought a pair there couple of weeks ago cost about £45.
The other place i used to go was High and Mighty Menswear Shop in Broadmead,Bristol or Oxford Street,London(Other branches Nationwide I believe).They stock size 15 Timberland deckshoes at twice the cost and less comfort.Strangely when I went to the Timberland Shop in London they did not have big sizes and suggested I try High and Mighty.