

Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
home in Brum. S37 sold, was in Med Spain.
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I will need a gangway for stern to mooring on the Med for my Sealine 37. The ones I've seen (Cooney, which are beautiful I must add) apart from costing about £1000 are permanent, heavy, stick up in the air and take up a lot of bathing platform area and make the rest of the platform difficult to access.
I'm looking for a lightweight simple (but safe) stowaway gangplank (gangway)
Any ideas


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: pasarelles

yes, that's what they are called.

Hydrualic ones are dodgy. UK suppliers are thin on the ground, and MUCH less volume than the med lot. They do go wrong. Then they need adjusting.

Lots of med boat dealers, instead of speccing a new boat with a factory fitted thing...spec the boat without and retrofit. Oodles of suppliers out there will do this, cash being cheaper, and a recommendation from teh local new boat dealer the best way (fairline, princess etc) so at leastthere's a chance of after sales as opposed to no bloody chnace at all.

But, they're more than a grand for the fancy hydraulic ones - more like 6-7 grand all fitted for a retracting thingy with remote control (so you can retract it when going off the boat, and nobody can get get on without killing themselves ... er or nipping on from the boat next door ahem) .

The cheapest option is a Plank Of Wood. Make sure it's a nice thick Plank Of Wood bout 2 ins thick else flexy ooer. The "retracting" is picking it up and plonking it up the side of the foredeck. Drll holes each end then bits of rope to ty it on to the boat so no ooer splosh when being a passarelle, and so it won't fall in from foredeck when stowed. The bits of rope are called "lanyards" and the Plank Of Wood once it has Bits Of Rope attached is also be used as a Fender Board for coming alongside dodgy walls etc. Plank of Wood option also best for security, cos obviously you are dead skint with nothing worth nicking. Hanging nappies up, having crappy bits of carpet around, and some really horrid plastic kids toys on deck helps complete the picture.

Saling Yotties will like you more with this option too - no yottie would EVER have the retracting £££ one, much preferring a flaky wobbly aluminium thing attached to mast halyards, cept on massive 35metre sailboats and that lunatic with a sub-60foot sailing yacht in antibes and a er monster wetbike on deck.

Yes, an alumium "plank" thing is indeed an option. Best buy it over there, in my opinion.

Finally, if you DO eventually go for the hydraulic job, very posh, make sure that the strength is there in the stern else nasty splits in grp where bodged in - have a look at exactly same model as yours done nicely and find who didit.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: pasarelles

ah. For hydraulic option you'll need "supply + fit" , Murray Bray (english chap, referred to as "Mourray" by frenchies) at the fairline dealer in la nap will be able to point you to the right chap. For a diy aluminium foldy thing, there are big chandlery sheds, but half a mile or a mile from the marinas, and agan he'll be able to direct you to somewhere, mebbe hire a scooter or whatever.


Re: pasarelles

I find plank of wood ideal on river wissey. However fenland mud very slippery so best to paint with nonslip: or to enhance image of having nothing worth nicking cover with sections of rubber floor mat from old car- like what I did.


New member
22 Jul 2004
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Why not go for a hydraullic paserelle. Always there, easy to get out of the way and act as a dinghy lift. I was initially put off by price arround £6k but I bought mine in Italy arround £3k plus fitting. On my last boat i had a telescopic but it kept telescoping and was not very safe although it lasted three boats and 9 years. I bought it second hand for £250. But company who made it no longer exist.



In this months 'Sailing Today' new gear section theres a tasty looking brushed aluminium and teak folding gang plank. Its designed for raggies so it folds nice and small. Costs about a grand, might be worth a look.Contact details 'Calibra Marine International' 01803 833094. Hope this helps.