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Unfortunately a problem which I did not face earlier has become a reality when my engine indicated displeasure by faltering during a long trip after a primary filter change and making my heart flutter . I almost swallowed the lemon in my G and T.
I now find I have a 140 litre diesel tank with 80 litres of dirty diesel in it . What should I now do to both tank and diesel. Local engineer in Sardinia says chuck out diesel , take out tank steam clean and reinstall --a weeks work . Being a miser and also Scottish I am horrified about chucking out all that fuel . Stuff from bottom of steel tank is reddish looks like blood and blood corpuscles . Presumably this is water and protein coloured by rust from top of tank exposed to air when partially full etc There is also a protein hazein the rest of the diesel . Tried decanting some from a bottle but the little buggers are still in suspension . Also aint got enough containers and a side stream filter seems impractical
Once tank cleaned out I will be extra vigilant with biocide(not readily available in small ports) and keep tank full over winter but to filter every time I fill up seems excessive and to top up tank every time I leave the boat for a couple of summer months may be impractical in the locations I might be in eg no local diesel available apart from a trip to a road petrol station with a few jerry cans - not practical on a bicycle.
Some people might prefer stainless tanks to avoid internal top rusting but Nigel Calder in his book reckons that an epoxied mild steel tank is better in that no welding problems or pinholing etc ..
Any one got experience or advice to offer . My steel tank seeems in good condition
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I now find I have a 140 litre diesel tank with 80 litres of dirty diesel in it . What should I now do to both tank and diesel. Local engineer in Sardinia says chuck out diesel , take out tank steam clean and reinstall --a weeks work . Being a miser and also Scottish I am horrified about chucking out all that fuel . Stuff from bottom of steel tank is reddish looks like blood and blood corpuscles . Presumably this is water and protein coloured by rust from top of tank exposed to air when partially full etc There is also a protein hazein the rest of the diesel . Tried decanting some from a bottle but the little buggers are still in suspension . Also aint got enough containers and a side stream filter seems impractical
Once tank cleaned out I will be extra vigilant with biocide(not readily available in small ports) and keep tank full over winter but to filter every time I fill up seems excessive and to top up tank every time I leave the boat for a couple of summer months may be impractical in the locations I might be in eg no local diesel available apart from a trip to a road petrol station with a few jerry cans - not practical on a bicycle.
Some people might prefer stainless tanks to avoid internal top rusting but Nigel Calder in his book reckons that an epoxied mild steel tank is better in that no welding problems or pinholing etc ..
Any one got experience or advice to offer . My steel tank seeems in good condition
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