Forum's for other areas?


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12 Sep 2020
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Just wondered

With the East Coast, Thames and Bristol Chanel forums, could it be possible to have similar forums for other sailing areas ?

Would love a Wales/NorthWest England forum as that's where I'm based, and similar for other areas like Scotland and Ireland I'm hoping to visit
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29 Nov 2002
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Just wondered

With the East Coast, Thames and Bristol Chanel forums, could it be possible to have similar forums for other sailing areas ?

Would love a Wales/NorthWest England forum as that's where I'm based, and similar for other areas like Scotland and Ireland I'm hoping to visit
There’s a Facebook page for “Scottish cruising & sailing” which is useful, quiet in winter but busy in summer.


Well-known member
5 Oct 2001
Surrey & boat in Dorset.
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Odd that there is not one for the Solent.
There's a Facebook solent group that gets a few posts a day and more in summer.

I don't understand how Facebook works and once something is posted by others, or rarely me, I can never find it again. I can't be the only one, as a local group where I live has the same questions about plumbers, electricians, etc.


Well-known member
8 Apr 2007
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Just wondered

With the East Coast, Thames and Bristol Chanel forums, could it be possible to have similar forums for other sailing areas ?

Would love a Wales/NorthWest England forum as that's where I'm based, and similar for other areas like Scotland and Ireland I'm hoping to visit
The rest of us are sociable, they are all just 'special' .

Problem with the FB groups is that the same questions are asked again and again as the answers disappear and are impossible to find. At least in a forum you can search and the answers are often quickly accessible even through Google.


29 Nov 2002
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There's a Facebook solent group that gets a few posts a day and more in summer.

I don't understand how Facebook works and once something is posted by others, or rarely me, I can never find it again. I can't be the only one, as a local group where I live has the same questions about plumbers, electricians, etc.
FB seems to be a complete nightmare platform to use, I really dislike it it and only use it under duress to access the Malö owners group.


Well-known member
31 Aug 2011
On the Celtic Fringe
There's a Facebook solent group that gets a few posts a day and more in summer.

I don't understand how Facebook works and once something is posted by others, or rarely me, I can never find it again. I can't be the only one, as a local group where I live has the same questions about plumbers, electricians, etc.
I only use FaceBook to chat with primary school friends and am a member of five groups of which I post into only one about twice a year. Let's just say I am not keen on the platform.


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12 Sep 2020
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thanks for the replys and suggestions

sadly I've don't use facebook anymore (been about 8 yrs since ditched it) so I try and avoid it as much as possible

I guess I was just wondering/hoping if there might be more areas (maybe that match the areas of the Reeds almanac) for those based there and for those planning to visit those areas

I know there's been (very welcome) replies to some of my threads based here in North Wales as someone learning to sail (the replies to my 'suggestions of places to Anchor around Anglesey/North Wales' was especially helpful), so I just wondered if those kind of threads sat in various area based forums if that might be useful for others

I guess if a forum doesn't start to 'fill' they could maybe be merged with others (maybe an 'Irish Sea' forum if some regions don't get many posts), but there's lots of questions I'd love to ask as a newb for the area I'm based in (harbours, marine professional recommends, sailing schools, Is Holyhead marina going to get rebuilt?), and similarly if I'm hoping to sail to Scotland or Ireland would be nice to look through the posts there to find ideas/suggestions etc)


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4 Jun 2007
Home: North West, Boat: The Clyde
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Hi @Marceline,

Many years ago, probably around 15 if my memory serves, there was a sub group within this forum for NW sailors. Its chief advocate was Searush, Steve who sailed out of Caernarfon. Sadly, it withered on the vine.

I understand that there is an active Face Ache group but that platform is not my cup of tea so I have no personal experience.

Local waters pilot books remain my preferred source of reference but posting specific questions on here usually serves as a wonderful resource.


Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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Also living on the East Coast, of Australia :), I notice that members from various locations round the UK post and ask for advice on an area to which they wish to sail. The responses always seem fulsome, quick and I assume accurate.

Try it

We have a selection of cruising guides for all of Australia'a east coast, another for part of the south coast and one for all of Tasmania. I note that the old versions, look in second hand shops in coastal towns, of the Admiralty Pilots have the exact same detail for anchorages, currents, tidal flows - as these books have been developed based on surveyors using boats similar in size to those we sail. it does seem bizarre that these books, produced for commercial vessels, detail (for example) sources of fresh water.

Another source is Google Maps etc.

Try them

Think outside the box



Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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Heresy! Next you’ll be suggesting we don’t use MEKP as a cleaning agent.
Not very funny - but topical

MEKP is classified as 5.3 by the UN

Oxidising substancesUN Class 5, divisions 5.1-5.2These are goods with a very high oxygen content that makes them extremely dangerous as they are either liable to combust individually or contribute to the combustion of other flammable or combustible items by producing oxygen, and both can be difficult to extinguish.

Courtesy Coopec

And people worry about Lithium batteries but not MEKP



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6 Nov 2001
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The "Thames Forum" takes in all the navigable Thames and the Medway down as far as the estuary, around 350 kilometres in length.
There are between 6-8000 boats registered on the Thames and around 2000 ? craft on the Medway navigation, plus loads of unregistered stuff.
On a quiet winter week you might get 3 or four posts on the forum, in the summer a few more.
It does get busier when somebody expresses a firmly held belief regards other types of boater daring to enjoy the river.
It is however an ideal place to get very local information, even if the information provided sometimes ensures the enquirer is never seen or heard of again .


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6 Sep 2016
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If you fragment the forum it runs the risk of your message not reaching enough may ask a question about a specific area but the answer might come from someone who mostly posts somewhere else


Well-known member
3 Nov 2001
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If you fragment the forum it runs the risk of your message not reaching enough may ask a question about a specific area but the answer might come from someone who mostly posts somewhere else

I agree that a fragmented forum makes browsing more difficult and time consuming.

I am also a member of the cruising forum but find it to fragmented for ease of use. IMHO PBO is just right

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