Forecasts in France


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30 May 2001
SW London
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Somewhere in PBO or YM during the last few months I saw a story that listed and assessed all the different ways of getting forecasts while in France. I put it to one side thinking it was just what I needed for July and now I can't find it. I have been back and forth through my pile of magazines with no success. Couldst some kind soul tell me where to look?

For that matter, I'd also welcome any practical advice. I speak only a tiny bit of French and understand less. Seems to me the Met Office services phoned or texted from London might be ok for the homeward channel crossing. Any thoughts?

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15 Apr 2004
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We found the best weather service was the text forecast from Germany (in english) on SSB similar frequency to fax transmissions, recieved clearly all the way to the canaries. forecast gives wind strength direction sea state swell visibility for 3 days at 4 hourly intervals.
Otherwise its good old BBC which we could get anywhere in France.

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9 Jun 2004
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If you have internet access whilst over there (internet cafe maybe), or can check the internet before a leg then check out the following site

Blue Water Cruising Site <A target="_blank" HREF=>


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30 May 2001
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The French forecasts are pretty good. All the harbours/marinas will have the inshore and offshore forecasts with outlooks posted daily, some will even have them in English too. French VHF forecasts are excellent and with a bit of practice you will recognise the key bits, they are broadcast via successive transmitters at intervals of I think 15 minutes around the coast so with luck you will hear it 3 times so can double check and fill in the gaps. Buy a French almanac, Votre Livre De Bord is excellent (and cheap), it will give you the VHF weather times and channels and has a section with the weather terms in French and English plus it also has all the harbour info, with charts from Holland to Gibralter.

For your homeward crossing in addition to the French forecasts (by then you will come to appreciate them!) you should also be able to receive the British Shipping Forecast on LW, pathetic as it is these days but if there is cricket on then tough, it goes out on FM only and you won't get it!

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