Flag and burgee etiquette question


Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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And some people wonder why sailing clubs are so elitist. :rolleyes:

Nothing to do with being elitist. The club I belong to was established in 1852 for the "working men of Poole" and the philosophy is still the same - although the everyday meaning of "working class" has probably changed somewhat over the years.

If you are going to use a defaced ensign, not difficult to follow the simple rules clearly stated on the permit.

drakes drum

24 Dec 2014
bristol & st mawes
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And some people wonder why sailing clubs are so elitist. :rolleyes:

Nothing to do with elites. More about crusty old men who forget that saying " rules are for the obedience of the fools and the guidance of the wise".

Most organisations have a few of them. For example, I ride for Blood Bikes ( a charity organisation) and am on duty this week. My own time. My own cost. Anyway I checked in by text yesterday and the controller attempted to tell me off because the rules say check in by phone call. I ignored her but it does illustrate the lack of any sense of what matters in real life and what simply doesnt matter very much at all, and which is common in life.

As for burgees and pennants, I have avoided the issue by not applying for a blue ensign. I couldnt see what I got for my £100 if I did apply though no doubt others might see more value in it than I did. I only ever fly any ensign abroad and thats about foreign legalities and aggro.

The RYA have a page on the subject at http://www.rya.org.uk/knowledge-advice/regulations/Pages/flag-etiquette.aspx . They also, believe it or not, have a book on the subject.:ambivalence:
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Well-known member
16 Feb 2006
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And now yet another thought comes to mind if you are a stickler for absolutely correct flag protocols...
Then, in the event of returning in the dink, recovering it on board and deciding to visit the pub, then the blue and the club burgee should be struck and replaced with a red ensign only, no burgee at all.

Now, where is that lightbulb when you want it ?:D

Hang on, VO5, if you need the lights on then it must be dark, ie after sunset, so the ensign should have been struck for the night!