Fire extinguishers



Further to the recent thread on the BSS and fire extinguishers I would offer the following further thoughts:

1.Halon/BCF is denatured when used on a fire so is not then a risk to the atmosphere.

2.Halon/BCF is 1.5 times heavier than air. How then does it make its way 14 kilometres up to the ozone layer?

3. Did you know that some of the more public spirited fire extinguisher manufacturers have been offering to take in your nasty Halon extinguishers and deal with the gas, for free? What they do is they remove the gas, clean it, and use it to make……….new Halon fire extinguishers (for other markets).


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: ozone layer

The falling apart of the ozone layer is a plot hatched amongst crappo teachers to try and gain control of unruly schoolchildren by scaring them witless, since God proved somewhat random in His vengefulness etc during the 20eth century and it turned out that the rich people got all the oil and diamonds as soon as the meek had dug out all the earth than they had inherited. Bit like we were gonna have no oil and be ruled by computerised robots when I was little, and the martians were going to invade shortly before that.

how do they "denature" some chemicals then?


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20 Jun 2001
Surrey, UK
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Re: ozone layer

Have any of these Greens fought a fire 20 miles offshore? Halon does the job whereas the alternatives are at present not as good.
My local fire-extinguisher supplier lets me have Halon extinguishers for ten quid (ones he has replaced in offices)


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21 Jun 2001
SW Florida
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1. heard of denatured alcohol, but denatured Halon? As I understand it, the chlorine(Cl) compounds from Halon etc in the atmosphere are hit by UV from the sun to form a Cl free radical which interacts with ozone (O3) to break down into O2, thus depleting the ozone layer. When used on a fire, most of the Halon will be dispersed unchanged into the atmosphere.
2. gaseous diffusion, helped by winds. Getting up to 14km doesn't happen overnight, but the Halon doesn't just go away, or disappear into the earth as you imply.
3. probably true. One of the ugly faces of capitalism!