Fawley Power station


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18 Mar 2009
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Contacted by a fellow forumite to tell me the skyline might look a little different when I trundle down the Hamble next time as they have started the demolition of Fawley Power station... just thought I would have a look to see if there were any photos on the internet showing what has gone and found this article..


doesn't show much of what's actually gone but it does show what they hope to develop.... by the looks of it we might be getting another place to visit.. I think it looks quite nice.. certainly nicer than an abandoned power station.




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11 Feb 2005
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I hope, but don't think it will ever, look like those images. I just can't see it being viable. It's an awful commute from there to any reasonable sized places of employment, which is why house prices are cheaper as you get closer toward Calshot. I hope I'm proven wrong, I'd love to see it succeed


Well-known member
22 Jun 2014
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They are supposed to be building an equally tall and well lit building/structure to take the place of the chimney. There was talk about putting a restaurant on top of the chimney but, that fell by the way side !!
At least the new forest skyline will look less industrial !

paul salliss

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20 Sep 2010
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They are supposed to be building an equally tall and well lit building/structure to take the place of the chimney. There was talk about putting a restaurant on top of the chimney but, that fell by the way side !!
At least the new forest skyline will look less industrial !

Deleted User YDKXO

It’s going to look very odd when that chimney goes. People, including me, have used it as a point of reference for years.

I was just going to say that. Before the advent of GPS, Fawley power station chimney was an important navigation mark for me;)

Lower Limit 1909

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8 May 2016
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It's not going to change the fact that there is an oil refinery next door. I wish them well. It's a potentially pleasant and rather underpopulated spot for somewhere which is not actually countryside but there are very good reasons why it's underpopulated (no work and the smell of petrol 24/7) and removing the power station won't change those.


Well-known member
15 Jun 2015
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They are supposed to be building an equally tall and well lit building/structure to take the place of the chimney. There was talk about putting a restaurant on top of the chimney but, that fell by the way side !!
At least the new forest skyline will look less industrial !

Developers have a tendency to, shall we say, optimism, when it comes to getting the public onside in the early days. It was fairly obvious that the chimney, along with the proposed %age of affordable homes, would only be coming down. Much like the number of proposed schools which may possibly be very slightly less than the one mentioned. Having said that, the 100-ish foot tower hasn't been rubbed out of these sketches yet... http://fawleywaterside.co.uk/


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22 Jun 2003
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It looks like a typical developers early marketing effort to flatter the planners to me. The visuals are a horrid Las Vegas type pastiche. The architects will be drawing inspiration from Osborne House and Netley Royal Victoria Hospital, so utterly predictable.

I have always really liked the brutalist look of the place;- it had such incredible scale and spoke of a brave new world.

If they take down the chimney it will be a dreadful shame; not only it is so familiar but it's also such a key mark when you are piloting around the Solent, just a quick glance and you know where you are.

Unfortunately they are now underway with the demolition and as there is serious money in crushed concrete they are unlikely to stop until the entire site has been wiped clean. There will doubtless be a long pause for reality to set in followed somewhat later to by the site being filled with bog standard Barratt homes, as that is all that will sell there after this £800M Fawley expansion brings a more realistic attitude to the planners and developers.


Dill et Bound

22 Apr 2013
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I have always really liked the brutalist look of the place;-

Me too.
I was living in the area when they built it ..
The whole project was very futuristic and the control room featured in a number of films.
Taylor Woodrow did a great job and each flue of the chimney would fit 4 double decker buses.
Another engineering feat was the hot water outlet off Lepe beach
And also the tunnel that was built linking the power station to Warsash which I believe still exists..
It’s probably just a couple of miles long.
Perhaps a missed opportunity overlooked by the planners....smile-new::smile-new:


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28 Nov 2002
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I’ll hold your pint.

In the past, when ever someone has said that, I've done something stupid and ended up in A&E or the Police station.

It looks like a typical developers early marketing effort to flatter the planners to me. The visuals are a horrid Las Vegas type pastiche. The architects will be drawing inspiration from Osborne House and Netley Royal Victoria Hospital, so utterly predictable.

I have always really liked the brutalist look of the place;- it had such incredible scale and spoke of a brave new world.

If they take down the chimney it will be a dreadful shame; not only it is so familiar but it's also such a key mark when you are piloting around the Solent, just a quick glance and you know where you are.

Unfortunately they are now underway with the demolition and as there is serious money in crushed concrete they are unlikely to stop until the entire site has been wiped clean. There will doubtless be a long pause for reality to set in followed somewhat later to by the site being filled with bog standard Barratt homes, as that is all that will sell there after this £800M Fawley expansion brings a more realistic attitude to the planners and developers.


You know where we lived for 12 years, I always thought the view was a lot more interesting than the flat featureless New Forrest.

Nothing worse that poorly executed retro for sheeple. Urgh. Apart from perhaps being served instant coffee on a chums boat. Mea Culpa