Faking it



Wed night next 9pm C4 stewardess on a ferry has to fake being a yachtswomen training with Che Blyth or however you spell it

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Re: Faking it / fiddling it

Should be renamed fiddling it after last night. From the outset you realised this girl did not have the confidence, or wherewithall to handle such a task.

They were meant to train her as a skipper in charge of a large crew on a racing yacht. During the training she basically helmed the boat thats all, on the one occasion they changed her boat and crew to eliminate bias she screwed up, had the canvass thingy flapping about doing nothing

During the week she not did not once carry out the following :

1.Look at a chart and/or plot a course, now mandatory on the solent I believe.
2.Carry out pilotage, or indeed refer to her pilot notes if any
3.Look at a compass
4.Look at a gps
5. Use a VHF
6.Leave or berth to a pontoon
7. man over boat drill
8. take a bearing i.e. dead reckoning

Bear in mind one trip was across to Cherbourg.

The final straw was in the so called "race" when she was last of 4 yachts, (still with a prof skipper on board "in case of major probs") all of a sudden she (or maybe the proof skipper?) decided to tack at 90 degrees, they all follow like lambs then she takes the lead and wins.

Straight out of a fairy tale book I reckon. Wonder what Scuttlebutt make of it.

Aztec will probably say its sour grapes mind you.

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Well-known member
16 May 2001
Bucks & St Raphael SoF
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Re: Faking it / fiddling it

She was a 26 year old girl who only had the confidence to clean bogs and serve drinks all her working and in 4 weeks helmed a 60ft challenge yacht (after learning to sail a dingy) with the brief to FAKE IT. The program was not to teach her to become a round the world yachtswomen, just deceive a group of 3 judges.

I think she did very well and your demeaning attitude is very pompous!



11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Faking it / fiddling it

oh, but that would have been rubbish tv, wouldn't it? There were loads (in fact all the small craft series) of solent charts on the back wall in that flat. I bet secretly there was lots of work done on/by her, stacks of books, and lots of sailing, as witness her commands etc in the race. 98% of film will have been cut out. Note chay B telling her how to lie about getting into sailing, which she then practised on the telly. But in the interview, she also said a "westerly fulmar" - so lots more work/advice off camera. Cross channel, round the island, blah blah blah. It wasn't obvious who was the standbyskiper in the race, and even if she was a real skipper, quite reasonable for a crewmemebr to offer an idea to put in an early tack, tho skippers decision yes/no. I reckon well done Lucy


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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Re: Faking it / fiddling it

<font color=blue> your demeaning attitude is very pompous<font color=blue>

I've heard 'CNeighbour' called a lot of things but pompous is a new one on me. Do you regard everyone that doesn't share your views as pompous?



Re: Faking it / fiddling it

I thought she did very well within the brief she was given, and her self confidence was an order of magnitude higher at the end of the show. Yes she could have had much better support, but all the more credit to her.

And racing round the cans in the Solent requires very few of the pilotage and chartwork skills listed. Surely it was difficult enough to learn to sail from scratch, and in a Laser too.

What would you do when lying fourth of five boats (not last, as it happened) - carry on following the leaders? Thats no way to win, you have to gamble, whether it was her idea or not, it was still the right call and well executed.

The big mistake by the leading boats was not to cover her tack immediately, a very poor decision by 'experienced' skippers. Still, thats one attraction of sailboat racing, occasionally the rabbit at the back gets it right much to the embarrassment of the hot shots at the front.



Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Good TV, good advert for water sports, attractive girl who came across well, mebbe not so short on self confidence or else why did she put herself forward to appear on the show.

Thouroughly enjoyed it, even though much of it was staged, the lovely Lucy could join me on my boat anytime she wanted to.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
Bucks & St Raphael SoF
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Re: Faking it / fiddling it

Of course I don't call everyone who disagrees with me pompous, just the pompous ones ;-)

I just think that demeaning someone’s effort is poor show especially when the one casting aspertions is trying to demonstrate their own 'superior' knowledge.

Just like, don’t shout at your wife on the foredeck because she isn’t throwing the rope properly, encourage instead!

I don’t think peoples efforts should be decried



16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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Re: Faking it / fiddling it

<font color=blue>Just like, don’t shout at your wife on the foredeck because she isn’t throwing the rope properly, encourage instead!</font color=blue>

HAH! I wouldn't dare raise my voice to Obergruppenfuhrer Eileen, she would smash my face in with the lead loaded bit of hosepipe she always carries.



Re: Faking it / fiddling it

Listen you I've lot £15 quid on this . Hi Mark seriously though she did'nt make the decisions to tack no way, and thats cheating i.e my point. Its not pompous at all (whats pompous anyway)

"Your chance to own a Crown is now"


Re: Faking it / fiddling it

"I just think that demeaning someone’s effort is poor show especially when the one casting aspertions is trying to demonstrate their own 'superior' knowledge".

I am not trying to demostrate superior knowledge I am not a raggie so dont know the finer arts of "sailing" the points I made about what she did'nt do are knowledge to us all.

The point I'm also making which you seem to have missed is I beleive faking it was faked.

"Your chance to own a Crown is now"


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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you still lose the £15 quid

sbutt has more about this.

imho, shoving in an early tack when you are miles behind is about the only trick anyway. Chay Blyth bound to have tolder this, and she did do the RTI so bit bout when to tack bound to have come up. What else can you do? drink more cupasoup? tighten things? slacken things?

I sail (and it therefore follows that i also have a go at racing any other boat going in vaguely the same direction) and of course I know that the only thing that you can do is tack now or later or eff about with the sail (let's pretend they did that). Naturally, as a highly experienced bad loser and stinkie, i often use plan c : turn the engine on, which the kids think is perfectly normal sailing....


Re: you still lose the £15 quid

Yer read the Sbutt posts they all seem to think she did well, cept that 4 weeks at the helm does not a "skipper" make. Had a little help for the TV I suspect. Lets hope it does'nt give the wrong message to would be raggies thinking its all too easy.

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