

16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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If you can afford the T52 surely you can afford to send your stuff to be laundered, only poor dudes like me have a washing machine on board.



21 Aug 2001
South East England
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Re: multi-use

Don't know where I'd be without my washing machine. It picks up all the washing no matter where I throw it does the ironing. Hoovers the saloon and can throw a rope. There are a few design faults like too much chat and gets P****ed farily often but oterwise a sound investment.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: crap t52, and d marsh being v nice.....

I think the test was very very nicve under the circumstances. There are a million things crap with the t52, that were right on the 48. In no paricular order at all...

1 All the cubby holes have perspex so can't hide stuff away cept if on test 0 try filling those cupboard or glovebox with gear- or hide a camera. early t48 had solid white glovebox. what teh point of a box coverred with perspex/ I'll just pop the camera in this glovebox to heat it up by ten or so degrees...

2 that barbcue is for direct grilling - it has a lip around it so can't wash it without grease on teak

3 Who gives a toss about extra bit of space in 2nd + third cabins if smallish twinbed ? Either it's a nice cabin that can invite VIP to or it's a freeloader or kids or mate's cabin. Slightly bigger still makes t52 cabins as class 2 cabins.

4. some designer should be shot for designing a forward cabin with a blimmin sink made of glass. when the perspex shower cutain busts you need to get tools in there. or when other stuff needs refit, there'l be tools in there. Or if it smashes er then what? No earthly advantage. Heavier than plastic. Soem twonk saw it in a mailorder bathroom catalogue.

5. There's a bit of wood on the cockpit table. Sort of design feature like on a morris traveller or mk 1 cortina estate. will need varnishing every year .

6. These are med boats so "slightly better heavy weather handling" not much of an advantage imho.

7. post-build test programme rather sounds like "we won't ignore you as much"

8. DFmarsh is v diplomatic in saying that it's "interesting" that fline made a 52 when there's already a 48. It's actually "daft". It shows that they are likely to make a 56, say, so in the same way as they devalued the t 43 by making a T40, they might devalue the 52 in turn. The new boat should have been 60 feet long ish, competing with v58, and fline could have made a better jiob of iti nstead of making it a "bit different"

9. Dmarsh also v nice about the fact that the main fwd cabin is actually SMALLER in the 52. duh? so 120 grand get the kids a bigger bedroom and owners a smaller bed?

10. attention to detail is a bit of a vague "feature" innit? They disn't read my stuff of may 2001 (almsot a year ago) which said

<<The targa 52 will look good, but I am ready for a laugh at southampton: it has twin dinghy garages, and a central entrance gangway to the cockpit, and could have the same problem as the V65 from which this bit of the design was nicked - namely in med marinas, with the passarelle out, how to get to the bathing platform and rear cleats? Jump down?>>

that stern cleat thing is a bit of a prob now isn't it? yes it is. the handrails will be up, of course. Only a small number of these boat will be in UK. Most in med...stern mooring soo...

11. fwd bowline will still rub over grp.

12. much more running fore and aft g'tees nice scratch on head with that little bit of grp sticking out under the radar arch, and if you miss that you won't miss the square-ended grab handles under the either side fo radar arch mentioned on this board two years ago.

13 D marsh is v diplomatic bout lack of non-slip on t52. this isn't really "something we should expect" as he says, praps like tablecloths in nice restaurants. Lack of non-slip is like a car with cheap crap seatbelts or half-working brakes. It's a killer, unsafe at any speed. Small son nearly killed by this. Total lack of attention to detail means that nothing has been done, and non-boating staff at all levels. Also mentioned on this bb mebbe three? years ago. mby.com quite easy, use the search facility guys...

14 That saloon, er has anyone um actually tried to sit and eat food, play card at it or whatever? slight curve means everyone has to sit bolt upright, nailed down table means slither around behind it.

15 er that split sunpad. Is that for so the guys in the office can lie down onnem without feeling a bit poofy? whereas sunpads are better the bigger they are. t48 rear sunpad was bigger. small single sunpad handy for er engieers to puit grimy things on before going down to engineroom, good eh?

16. ssit stand seat from t48 just gone for t52. Ah well, it was onl;y that awkward sam newington (who actually used a t48 and so made sure it was useabe at least) that lkiked that probly. nobosy drives a car standing up now do they?

17. attention to deatil again: look at that rear rail as on page 40. it's curved. so you can't put a fender where you want - it's slide to where it want to be .

18 look at that chap sitting in cockpit seating. Note what's next to his head. looks like some rails thatnow sit inside the cockpit curve instead of outside. So he'll whack his head onnem, and muchworse when the bimini is up

19. fancy a wee in the night? make sure you don't on a t52 from the guest beds. it's at the other end of the boat through he ouch trip-up kitchen, or the oof central bit of wood, or aargh trip up agin cos those little seat bases will be alway out cos otherwise you can't reach the table. so no easy way through the boat. Probly won't be in boat at night after first night in hospitalwith burns from scalded kettle after tripping up in the kitchen tho. Or at least, you would if there were some electric points

20 those companionway stairs look cheap

21. again, d marsh v diplomatic re fairline "test programme". These have alreeady found need for beefed up fastenings, uprated gas struts, extra handrails, and improved bathing ladder. DM says "it must be reasuing for buyer to know that the evaluation process extends so far beyond tha drawing board". Nope. I'd find very unreassuring that have 30 years of boatbuilding they don't know what size of strut to put on a given weight of lid and can't spec a fastening correctly. And that all of the items listed are just the visible things.

22. Attention for detail in guest cabins is great. Not. There are mirrors at he end of the beds, instead of full height between em where you woukld actually be. So, to check your appearance or comb your hair, leap on the bed...

23. the is a mirro n the heads other than those highlevel cuopbaords, i hope, tho i can't see it and it isn't in front of the sink where er yer know there things often are.

Here's attention to detail for you. Top of page 42, shows an electrical socket. in top corner. It's not a uk one now is it? No. It's french. Wjat's a french/spain plug doing on a uk boat? Or put another way, why hasn't that boat been shipped to the med ages ago? Praps cos at least until last month they were still trying to sell the boat show model. Maybe this is it. And they aren't sure if it will go to balearix or or south of france.

finally, that anchor looks a bit dangly dunnit ? looks as tho it should sit up in that hole? I'm sure that the afte build programme will catch all these problem and er oh well er put it on the list...


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: 2 footed tackles and D marsh

um, that is correct. we has a targa 48. so i have a bit of advantage over Mr mmarsh. Mind you, if he printed any of my stuff they'd never be let on a fairline ever again. Imagine that. Then there'd be no reviews for them, less advertising and er ooh....


Well-known member
16 May 2001
Cotswolds / Altea
Twin tender stowage....

Never happened did it. Must be a big void under there. Perhaps they tried to make it look like twin tender stowage. Problem is that Joey Public won't realise that. The only people that will twig to their intentions are the same people that know it's a dummy. Doh!


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: sealine, motorbikes

well, hardly any of the issues mentiones in the test or by me wd cost more money. Indeed, they'd mostly cost less money, with less-complicated mouldings and weird steps. With a grippy surface, I bwd imagine that faults are less noticeable in grp, so they could dump the shiny surfaces.

Essentially, a bloke who never used a boat has drawn up some mouldings. His mate has nodeed, and the boos who also has not been on a boat and ertainluy doesn't own one nods approvingly. They send them off to the production shop, where not one single person has ever been on a boat either. Oh yes, the chairman insuists that they all have to go on a boat. So they all put on nice blazers or anoraks and cadge a day in spain while someone else drives and keeps them well away from everything.

I have no prob with sealine making a cheaper alternative with less leathery internals. Their fake teak looks very real too, easier to clean and cheaper I bet.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
Hampshire / Solent
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Re: sealine, motorbikes


I guess the problem with Fairline staff etc is the same throughout the industry - non of them seem to own boats so basically they live in a dream world.

Taking Fairline staff out for the day is hardly going to make a difference to how they see things. You need real boaters to design well boats, unfortunately you also need allot of money to own a boat - working for the industry and owning a boat just don't go together.



11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: owning boats

well, they could have a fairline-owned boat and even get the VAT back as a nice taxable expenditure on sending the drones out for 2 weeks to take it somewhere. And some other drones to bring it back. Soon sortem out.