<font color=white> you can't be a raggie cosyou worked this out <font color=black> /forums/images/icons/wink.gif and we're coming to your place later !! <font color=white> but only for little splash of course !!
A number of people have sent me PM's saying that they cannot see the content of many of the messages in this thread. I have been trying to recognise a common factor in relation to these peeps, their computer specs etc etc and have thus far failed dismally. Is anyone else having this poblem?
Byron and hlb frequently have difficulty with anything computer related but they seem to be managing ok so what is it?
<font color=white>off to take paulineb's piccies now....sounds like a bum job but i'll do anything for a quick buck........</font color=white>
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.boatsontheweb.com/galleryframes.html> BoatsOnTheWeb and Boaters Photo Gallery</A>
<font color=white> The thing is..... you stink pots get there quickly. We raggies take our time but we get there eventually - cold, wet, tired, seasick</font color=white>
Dipper di doo dah, Dipper di day
My oh my what a wonderful day!
How about replying to my PM then rather than take the p*ss out of those of us that can't work it out. <font color=white> Now then if I be the "Strawman" do you think - we will be able to drag all those people that can't work it out into comment - Tony - your turn ! </font color=white>
/forums/images/icons/smile.gif <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.arweb.co.uk/argallery/kelisha>Pics of Kelisha</A> /forums/images/icons/crazy.gif
I am not taking the p*ss as you so delicately put it..... I really am puzzled by this apparent 'some see it some don't' phenomina............and I DID reply to your PM, cant you see that either!!!!
<font color=white>anyway, I heard the docs had woorked em all out for you Sandra....stopped you rattling has it? </font color=white>
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.boatsontheweb.com/galleryframes.html> BoatsOnTheWeb and Boaters Photo Gallery</A>