"Entering Portugal" effective from today.


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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We left Albufeira yesterday and are now anchored at Culatra. Police rib was zooming about yesterday whilst we were sailing but didn’t come near us. We’re half expecting to get a visit from them this morning but no sign of them yet. It’s pretty windy here so perhaps they’re hunkered down like everyone else.

I have to phone them in a few minutes to advise we're moving back to the mooring today. Pulled up in car at a stop and check roadblock yesterday and one of the reasons for checking was to ensure people aren't making unnecessary out of area journeys. Have 180 mile drive later to Lisbon but excuse is Covid jab appt.


10 Apr 2018
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I have to phone them in a few minutes to advise we're moving back to the mooring today. Pulled up in car at a stop and check roadblock yesterday and one of the reasons for checking was to ensure people aren't making unnecessary out of area journeys. Have 180 mile drive later to Lisbon but excuse is Covid jab appt.
Well, that’s a very good excuse. Safe driving.


Well-known member
15 Jun 2004
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Of interest to anyone heading to Portimao.
From Monday, Portimao municipality is going back into lockdown with all cafes and restaurants closed. takeaway only, restricted shops opening and basically a stay at home policy. The other side of the river which is Lagoa municipality is heading out of lockdown and opening up more restaurants shops etc and a general easing of restrictions.
I was in the Capitanarie office this morning and asked if I could go fishing in my rib after Monday and the lady said no I could not. No movements allowed in Portimao. I then told her I lived in Ferragudo Lagoa and my boat was in Lagoa side of the river. She then said yes I could go out as Lagoa was not under restrictions but I must stay on my side of the river.
So my advice to anyone heading this way is not to go in the marina on the Portimao side or you will be back into lockdown.
Anchor over at Praia Grande just inside the entrance or at Ferragudo and you will be in the Lagoa side and presumably free of the covid lockdown that starts on Monday for Portimao municipality.
It will be interesting to see how this works in reality, With hundreds of cars crossing the road bridge on a daily basis, Portimao people will just come to Lagoa area to go out for lunch and for shopping. We can probably expect Lagoa to follow Portimao into lockdown in a week or two methinks.


26 May 2003
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Quick update on sailing north. Currently at Peniche after 2 day stopover at Cascais anchorage for sail repair. Been approached twice by maritime police at sea, leaving Alvor and rounding Cabo Vicente. Quite happy with explanation of returning to UK but emphasised I was not to go ashore en route though anchoring is fine. At Cascais the harbour master collected damaged sail from boat and returned it so seems rules are being rigorously enforced.


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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Not to my way of thinking. I also suspect that UK will look at this resumption of flights to Brazil as another reason to restrict travel to and from Portugal as they did last year.

According to various gov. sites, there are no direct Portugal-UK flights but Ryanair had one today, we were on it, Lisbon to Manchester.
13 Jul 2012
I sailed from Lisbon to Povoa da Varzim at the start of April to lift out for survey etc , arranged with a local
portuguese skipper who received all the correct written permissions from Policia Maritima in both ports , no issues at all


Well-known member
22 Aug 2008
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Of interest to anyone heading to Portimao.
From Monday, Portimao municipality is going back into lockdown with all cafes and restaurants closed. takeaway only, restricted shops opening and basically a stay at home policy. The other side of the river which is Lagoa municipality is heading out of lockdown and opening up more restaurants shops etc and a general easing of restrictions.
I was in the Capitanarie office this morning and asked if I could go fishing in my rib after Monday and the lady said no I could not. No movements allowed in Portimao. I then told her I lived in Ferragudo Lagoa and my boat was in Lagoa side of the river. She then said yes I could go out as Lagoa was not under restrictions but I must stay on my side of the river.
So my advice to anyone heading this way is not to go in the marina on the Portimao side or you will be back into lockdown.
Anchor over at Praia Grande just inside the entrance or at Ferragudo and you will be in the Lagoa side and presumably free of the covid lockdown that starts on Monday for Portimao municipality.
It will be interesting to see how this works in reality, With hundreds of cars crossing the road bridge on a daily basis, Portimao people will just come to Lagoa area to go out for lunch and for shopping. We can probably expect Lagoa to follow Portimao into lockdown in a week or two methinks.
They are likely to be collecting a lot of fines from people moving out of the concelho.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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I phoned Lagos marina today to ask if marina access would be back to normal from Monday. They didn't know, suggested phoning back on Monday.
- W
A few boats are arriving in Lagos and being held on the waiting pontoon on the seaward side of the lifting bridge; outside the marina.

There is still no leisure day sailing and boats departing are advised that they will not be permitted to enter another Portuguese marina.

A boat left Lagos on Monday, bound for the UK and is now in Vigo and awaiting a weather window having sailed non-stop. It took 4 days.

On Monday Lagos goes into Phase 3 of the easing of lockdown so possible more freedom then.


Well-known member
15 Jun 2004
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I phoned Lagos marina today to ask if marina access would be back to normal from Monday. They didn't know, suggested phoning back on Monday.

- W
Come to Portimao and anchor on the east side of river off Ferragudo. We're in Lagoa and restrictions are being eased from Monday onwards so you can dinghy into Ferragudo for restaurants etc, into the boatyard for spares and equipment etc and also go to Lidl which is 5 minutes from boatyard by foot. Let me know if you come here and we can have a beer at the "tent" in the boatyard maybe.


Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
A few boats are arriving in Lagos and being held on the waiting pontoon on the seaward side of the lifting bridge; outside the marina.

There is still no leisure day sailing and boats departing are advised that they will not be permitted to enter another Portuguese marina.

A boat left Lagos on Monday, bound for the UK and is now in Vigo and awaiting a weather window having sailed non-stop. It took 4 days.

On Monday Lagos goes into Phase 3 of the easing of lockdown so possible more freedom then.

We have moved from Cascais to Troia (with permission) and from Troia to Sines (without permission but no-one hassled us)

Things sound a lot tougher/more confused in the Algarve. Think we will wait at least until Monday and phone Lagos again to see what the craic is.

- W


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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We have moved from Cascais to Troia (with permission) and from Troia to Sines (without permission but no-one hassled us)

Things sound a lot tougher/more confused in the Algarve. Think we will wait at least until Monday and phone Lagos again to see what the craic is.

- W

Visiting boats are arriving and being held on the waiting pontoon in Lagos but there appears to be no restrictions on the crew going ashore.