New member
hi there. After some advice after having recently gotten great advice on ventilation from some folks. Am now planning to redo the electrics on my Hartley 32 powerboat. It is 30 years old and I have had it for a year and there are wires everywhere, heaps of colours, heaps that are not live, lots that are that go nowhere so not very helpful. I could pay someone to do it but my logic with the boat is the more that I can do myself the more likely I am to get out of trouble and know how stuff works. Anyway just wondering if I need a busbar as the boat does not appear to have one. It has the fuse board which obviously has the positive one. The question is do I need a negative one and if so where should I put it as all the electrics go to the fuse board so just trying to get my head around the busbar and how they work etc. All the wiring I can figure out but this busbar is doing my head in