Are you mixing up the two offers? One is for a folio of charts that you have to print off to use at £9.99 where as the other offer is for the ones with the chart plotter software included. Have seen this in operation and was very impressed with the deatil down to pontoon fingers!
I am not too sure of the legality but both 98 and 2000 charts are often distributed here. They seem to be just about fully functional and can be used as a plotter with a laptop. The usual yacht club price is from free to $50 for the world porfolio. The 98 series had the access codes removed to enable access to all the charts and from the notes that came with them I would say that this was not legal.
It is illegal to sell on copies, but the orginal may be sold as s/ahnd - like any other article - but the licence is not transferrable.
Cmap93 charts are readable by a number of charting programs and the 'viewing' software included with some cd's is not necessary. CMap93 viewer anyway is a planning tool and not a full navigation program. You need eg CMap ECS for that ...... which is commercial and not supposed to be distributed by all and sundry.
Programs such as Maxsea, Seapro etc. can use CMap93 charts .....
I'm told in fact most of what is available via eBay is available via P2P networks FREE !!! So ?????
<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
Bilge Keelers get up further ! I came - cos they said was FREE Guinness !
Peer to Peer. Like Napster etc. Nothing is held on a central server - everything is on individuals pc's. So if I did a search, and found what I wanted, I'd be downloading it from another individuals computer - could be yours if you were part of the Peer to Peer group and online at the time.
Most P2P's are subsidised by Adware / Spyware and therefore you will have a possible record of your web activity / url's forwarded to a central server ...... aiding advertising / companies who are not so 'considerate' how they get market info. This is an integral part of such as KAZAA etc. But the better P2P's are steering away from this bad side and the most notable is : SHAREAZA - which 'guarantees' that they are free of such activities ..... and they say they log into eDonkey and Gnutella etc. meaning that you are divorced from their Spyware / Adware installations built into the insatll routine.
So taking Shareaza ..... it is a Peer to Peer Network that links consenting Computers into a network file server system. Shareaza does not carry files itself other than the linking protocol. Each computer on the network carries its share ..... from its own downloads / directorys that are chosen by the OWNER of the computer to share ....... The owner can easily BLOCK directory's and access to other areas on his computer safegyarding his private info.
For example of a download ......... you log into the network by starting the prog. It then resumes any downloads that were unfinished when logged off. You search the network for a file or program ....... its found and you click to download ....... it then goes into your temp downoad list. The file may be split across many different computers and you will load whatever part is available at that time ..... once the complete file is downloaded the P2P program is clever enough to join up all the packets into the actual file you wanted. You don't have to do anything .........
Now this is all as per what I was passed by others using P2P ....
Of course it is advised that you run a good up to date Virus check system ...... to intercept any possible trojans / virus etc.
P2P programs :
and of course the old favourite that is now history ..... Napster
I have no connection with any of the above and only pass the info ....
<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
Bilge Keelers get up further ! I came - cos they said was FREE Guinness !
Yep the "World charts" I purchased are on a demo disc of a seemingly Russian navigation program and quite honestly yes the charts are there but not of much use on any other system it would seem ( I am certainly no IT expert but a dongle or code would be needed to use them seperately from the demo nav program????)
I ordered one, it arrived and I had a quick look at luchtime. Looked pretty impressive, I was able to zoom in to Portsmouth and see the pontoons in Port solent, or do the same kind of thing in Carribean. Level of detail depends on where in the world you are looking at and it seemed to have no coverage at all of the Pacific, despite being claimed to be worldwide, at least I couldn't get any chart info for Australia or New Zealand.
No idea of the copyright legality but anyway I won't be using it for any serious navifation purposes, I purchased mainly for entertainment value on winter evenings on my PC at home...which it will do fine for a tenner.
<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by chriscallender on 06/11/2003 16:16 (server time).</FONT></P>