Electrical Work Costs??

Fr J Hackett

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26 Dec 2001
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Mentioned in posts #8 and #10 which you’ve already replied to.
The OPs original post does not say quote but said he was told, that is not a quote and the OP has not confirmed that he was given either a written quote or estimate. I suspect it was a verbal outline of what was entailed and no costing given or the OP would have said.


Well-known member
16 May 2016
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No as you know I have said the invoice and 12 hours for the job on the basis of what has been written is wrong. However a simple statement of a couple of hours work is neither an estimate nor a quote.
#39 was in reply to Boater Sam.

However, a verbal estimate is an estimate, it doesn't have to be in writing.


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7 Jun 2011
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A quote and an estimate are two different things are far as I am aware.
An estimate is fairly open ended affair, whereas a "Quote" has a recognised leeway margin of 10%.
That was certainly the rule of thumb when I was in business and dealing with insurance work costings etc.

Geoff Wode

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2 Aug 2022
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The OPs original post does not say quote but said he was told, that is not a quote and the OP has not confirmed that he was given either a written quote or estimate. I suspect it was a verbal outline of what was entailed and no costing given or the OP would have said.

From post #8: 2hrs @ £48/hr

That’s quite specific.

I still hold that the op should rule out administrative feck ups before considering anything else. It could be one digit in the wrong field of the invoicing software.

Fr J Hackett

Well-known member
26 Dec 2001
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From post #8: 2hrs @ £48/hr

That’s quite specific.

I still hold that the op should rule out administrative feck ups before considering anything else. It could be one digit in the wrong field of the invoicing software.
He has said "quote" but in his OP he says he was told, there is a difference. The £48 is the labour cost we don't know if that comes from the invoice ( I suspect it does) or if he was actually given a quote or an estimate, probably a verbal estimate on enquiry and could have been told that along with 2 hours the labour would be charged at £48 / hr. We simply don't known the OP has not enlightened us further.


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29 Aug 2021
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Just thought I'd update the thread.

I fired off several emails to the company concerning the labour and managed to get over £300.00 knocked off.

Wasn't particularly happy with their excuse for an additional 3 hours booked just for the VSR. They said that when work was commenced a battery combiner switch was found in the engine room which could technically do the job of a VSR so they didn't bother installing it when carrying out the bulk of the work. I wanted a degree of charge automation hence asking for a VSR to be installed right at the beginning.

Thank you to everyone who shared their views on the matter, it was most helpful for when I confronted the company.


Well-known member
16 May 2016
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Just thought I'd update the thread.

I fired off several emails to the company concerning the labour and managed to get over £300.00 knocked off.

Wasn't particularly happy with their excuse for an additional 3 hours booked just for the VSR. They said that when work was commenced a battery combiner switch was found in the engine room which could technically do the job of a VSR so they didn't bother installing it when carrying out the bulk of the work. I wanted a degree of charge automation hence asking for a VSR to be installed right at the beginning.

Thank you to everyone who shared their views on the matter, it was most helpful for when I confronted the company.
Are you saying that they didn't fit the VSR because they found a 1-2-both switch in the engine room ?
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2003
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This is going from bad to worse. Now they haven't done what you asked for and attempted to charge for it anyway. Then only remember that they haven't done what was asked when challenged. Scammers and thieves. I'd have paid the parts and 2 hours labour and see me in the small claims for the rest.

Shame you didn't take the chance for a minor upgrade to AGMs. 900 quid and you still have an inferior setup.

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