DSC Reliability.


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29 Apr 2003
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Over the weekend we picked up a DSC (fire) alert from a vessel. Hearing no verbal traffic I contacted the CG to enquire whether they were aware of the problem. I passed on all the usual info, including position etc, but, like a prat had forgotten to note down the casualty's mmsi. No problem I'll drag it out of the unit's call log I tell them. There was no way that I could get into the DSC menu and I assumed this to be due to my compete incompetence/nervous state. I break off the call assuring them that I will get back as soon as the information is available. In the mean time another vessel calls them on 16 to advise them of the alert and he is able to pass on the mmsi.

CG calls the casualty on 16 by name and gets an immediate reply. The vessel concerned is in the location of the lat/long provided but denies sending out an alert. CG advises them to switch off the set and get it checked by an engineer. They then call me to thank me for assistance and inform me that all is ok. I apologize for my failure and assure them that I will get some more practise with the set.

Back on our berth, with a clearer head, I start to have a play with the set. Guess what, the DSC function key is only functioning intermittently.

Was this just an unfortunate combination of failures on two sets, or is it indicative of the quality of the equipment we are being sold? I have no idea what dsc set was on the other vessel but mine is certainly not a budget unit.

<hr width=100% size=1>Semper Bufo
The answer here is to immediatley refer to the Unit manufacturer and ask them about your Unit.

As to the other alert, some users feel it is better to deny rather than admit accidents, shame as the latter is the required course of action. It may well be that this falls into the deny category. I say this as the Distress was not "undesignated" (ie default) but had been specified which on most DSC units that I've seen is a menu function job.


<hr width=100% size=1>Team Executive,
Maritime & Aeronautical Team, Ofcom


New member
29 Apr 2003
Not always where I would like to be!
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Hi Mike. My set is already with the manufacturer. I hope! I did wonder about the other guy, thought there might have been a bit of tuition/playing about going on. I must say I was pleased to learn that it was my set that wasn't wired up properly rather than me.

<hr width=100% size=1>Semper Bufo