Mobile phones work quite well for receiving E:mails.. but they are by far to slow to connect to the Net..
the only way is to conect through an Internet cafe..
Weather in the Canaries islands is fair, with blue sky and 24* Celcius this morning...
I used mine briefly whilst on my boat yesterday to check an old email with info I wanted. I do get 28.8 from my mobile but yes they are expensive. Also use it for weather checks.
Wonder what the weather like in S Spain off in two weeks time.
well just to really piss you all off(though not sure of the numbers but best guess is) the temp here in the UK was max 9* and min about 4* with plenty of rain , and goodly helping of wind with gusts mid afternoon at about f7, grey and overcast......though late afternoon the sun put in a very short apparence, just before the evening started at about 4:30 still cold and damp .......with the promise that nothing would improve through the as you can see I feel for you boys out there in world...its sad I know but someone has to be out there 'doing' it....have faith boys, it wont last forever and we'll keep a place ready for your return.......home our hero's!!!!!.....