It doesn't apply to the boat heads but why is it that ladies complain that we never leave the seat down and that by not doing so we are being unhygenic?
This has given me consternation for some time. Do they really want it left down when, as we boys know, there are some of us who don't bother to lift it and just pee through the hole in the seat! My wife for one revealed only last night that she didn't realise that there were such "evil" men around. It is because some of us know that such guys exist that I always thought it curious that women moan about the seat always being up. Surely, if this is going on then the interests of hygiene would be better served with the seat left up and only temporarily lowered by a lady immediately prior to her usage thereof? However, peeing by the light of a headtorch alone will, I suggest gentlemen, reveal the great extent to which the accompanying cloud of spray emanates - try it and you'll be surprised. I was the first time.
No, it is really curious as to why the ladies want the seat left down. Is it that they leave it to the very last moment before entering the house of relief and therefore any vital seconds saved pre-performance can be vital? Or is it just a courtesy thing? Do they indeed mean the seat or do they mean the lid AND the seat, in which case they will use up just as much time raising the lid as they would have spent lowering the seat. Of course if the hinges between the seat and the lid are anything less than totally friction free, bringing the seat down COULD have the lid crashing down on their delicate little pinkies within a nanosecond or two.
I'm confused by the whole thing. /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Steve Cronin
BTW. I just received some superb problem solving ( a problem not of their own creation) by Andy Laurence at Mailspeed Marine and I would like to publically thank him for this.
This has given me consternation for some time. Do they really want it left down when, as we boys know, there are some of us who don't bother to lift it and just pee through the hole in the seat! My wife for one revealed only last night that she didn't realise that there were such "evil" men around. It is because some of us know that such guys exist that I always thought it curious that women moan about the seat always being up. Surely, if this is going on then the interests of hygiene would be better served with the seat left up and only temporarily lowered by a lady immediately prior to her usage thereof? However, peeing by the light of a headtorch alone will, I suggest gentlemen, reveal the great extent to which the accompanying cloud of spray emanates - try it and you'll be surprised. I was the first time.
No, it is really curious as to why the ladies want the seat left down. Is it that they leave it to the very last moment before entering the house of relief and therefore any vital seconds saved pre-performance can be vital? Or is it just a courtesy thing? Do they indeed mean the seat or do they mean the lid AND the seat, in which case they will use up just as much time raising the lid as they would have spent lowering the seat. Of course if the hinges between the seat and the lid are anything less than totally friction free, bringing the seat down COULD have the lid crashing down on their delicate little pinkies within a nanosecond or two.
I'm confused by the whole thing. /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Steve Cronin
BTW. I just received some superb problem solving ( a problem not of their own creation) by Andy Laurence at Mailspeed Marine and I would like to publically thank him for this.