Do I get royalties?


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25 Feb 2002
Grays, Essex
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I march this year I posted a question about which marina people thought was best between Haslar and Ocean Village. Guess what? On page 26 of the May issue of MBY is the same question. Now the really important question. Was is that good they felt the world should contribute to the answer? or was it that dumb and boring they thought it would encourage "sensible" people to enter the forum?


ps I finally decided on Ocean Village.


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18 Nov 2001
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Nope...but pay rise for Kim?

YBW site getting worldwide coverage....according to PR bunny Ms Charlotte Snowden of Saltwater Communications Ltd who said last week

"Compass Watersports has reported that international business is on the increase since the launch of the online stores at PR speak)...Compass UK Partner, David Lewin commented; ‘The online stores are doing very well. We have been taking orders for some large products to the US through as well as Malaysia and the Emirates. We seem to be opening up many more international markets since we set up the online stores, as well as increasing business substantially in the UK market. This media appears to be working particularly effectively for Compass.’"

Are there more people on-line than read the mags?


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18 Nov 2001
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I think it may be by some other mechanism than forfeit - always assuming such is legal as nothing "modern" is in the public domain anymore unless the owner explicitly puts it in the public domain. Explicitly, as in you have a note from the author/owner saying, "I grant this to the public domain." Those exact words or words very much like them.

In the past an item such as a patent rarely belonged to an employed individual (he/she had to assign it and utter an extraordinary promise and oath in the presence of a witness) but I think the Bern convention changed all that and gave the right of ownership to the creator and not either the "publisher" or employer.

The cost of proving copyright is, however, v. expensive. Perhaps MBY might give an ex-gratia bottle of Balvenie although I fear terryw devalues the commercial value somewhat by casting doubt on the attention span or otherwise of people posting hereabouts?!


Well-known member
2 Jun 2001
Guernsey, Channel Islands
I like the suggestion...

Do the Terms & Conditions of this web-site carry water? For example, item 3 second para, says,

You agree that any material (including any Intellectual Property Rights in such material), including but not limited to material sent via chat services, feedback, bulletin boards or articles or any other material submitted for publication on the Web Site or in using any of the Web Site Services ("User Generated Content") may be retained as the property of IPC. IPC shall have no obligations with regard to the User Generated Content to monitor the User Generated Content to ensure that it complies with applicable laws or regulations. You remain solely responsible for the User Generated Content in accordance with Clause 6.

Piers du Pré
MBM Cruising Club enthusiast


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25 Feb 2002
Grays, Essex
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No doubt intended about the posters on this forum. The word sensible was in quotes which is where the doubt is implied. This forum is, I believe, full of valid information and help, with a great big sprinkling of humour, which makes it one of the best to view and contribute to, and the original question was not meant to be too serious, but I do like your idea of a bottle of Balvenie.



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18 Nov 2001
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Not sure what it carries but doubt it's water! I do not think IPC have any right to retain copyright on material published here. But, they are a publisher so "try it on".

The wording you quote seems gloriously woolly (could knit a burgee or two from that!). "We'll claim copyright unless under certain undefined circumstances, eg the material proves to be offensive, then it's yours".

I think the abiding principle is that the individual bears responsibility for what he writes and, in return, enjoys the rewards.