Disaster waiting to happen .


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26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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You know how we read posting here , people describing a boat they plain to buy , and how they plain to sail off into the distance, as we read the posting some are thinking , his having a laugh , other encourage them .

Well yesterday I looked out to see we 30 foot ketch anchor right on top of us , I mean his. Stern was a few meters from our chain ,
I give him half hour as quite often people just anchor for lunch and moved off and ask him if he plain to stay the night , he replied he was stay a few days waiting for a mate
So I told him he much to close and needed to move , he explained he had a bad leg he was on his only and could I help him ,
We finish lunch and when over , his leg was in a plastic cast , the cockpit was full of bits of the boat I hate to think what the inside was like .
I offered to sort the anchor while he took the helm as it look like he never make the bow with his cast .

First surprise was when I asked him where his control was and was told there three wires touch the red and black and it goes up , touch the red and Green and it goes down .OK , half way hauling the chain and I came across a shackle which meant it had to be taken of the winch till it pass the gypsy , there wasn't a mark on the rusty chain . I direct him to the best place to re anchor and ask how much water we was in , only to be told his depth gauge doesn't work . I ask how much chain he had and he said he think 30 mts , so I drop the lot , when back to the helm and set the anchor .

It turn out he was German, nothing wrong with that , age 60 sh his last boat he lost on the rock a two week ago in Malta when it dragged , that explain the plastic cast on his foot ,
he just brought this boat a few days ago , the first time out he anchored on the NE bay on Malta , and was caught out in the last thunderstorm we had on a lee shore when he tried to move found his battery was flat , lucky his anchor held and the next day someone passing by arrange for a new battery to be brought out to him .
I notices One turn buckle had rope pass through it , he couldn't explain what the rope was doing , I guess the thread gone and the rope was to hold it to gather ,
I kid you not his compass was broken he had no other navigation aid and his VHF was also broken , he waiting for a mate and they going to sail to Tunisia .
Where he could get a good deal .

He ask me if I could look out for him and I told him the weather is settle for the next week and he should be ok but I was happy to help him take his boat into the marina and advise him that would be best has he had bad foot , he didn't want to go into the marina as it too expensive, explained I know someone in the RMYC and maybe I could have a word and get a deal because of his injuries but he wasn't interested .

The story doesn't stop there , this afternoon my co skipper calls out , next door getting rescued , I look out to see the police rib boat between us and his boat , he now in his dinghy which is almost flat to the extent that water was coming over the side of the tubes, by the time I get into my dinghy to help three officers drag him on board ,
He shouted they where going to take him ashore and would I pick him up later and bring him back , I apologise and said I wouldn't ,
if he fell in there was no way I would be able to get him back out , one police officers move me to the front of the rib and ask if I knew him ,
I explain what happen the day before and suggestion he shouldn't be on board as he can't hardly move .
He agreed but said they couldn't stop him ,
but if wasn't willing to bring him back and they won't be as he not fit to be on a boat on his only , the problem was solved.

It's been a few hours we not seen him return for his sake I hope no one bring him back . It's really an accident waiting to happen .

So @ silver fox if you see a guy with a cast on his foot and he ask for a lift back to his boat , please say NO
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23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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I'm not too surprised, one comes across this sort of thing time to time.

We once helped out a chap in an elderly scruffy old mobo - with young family - whose navigational expertise amounted to ' Guernsey is over there '.

So ended up being rescued by the French Navy before interfacing with north Brittany.

He set off again afterwards, with instructions from the French - then saw an island to starboard, thought ' that's it, my compass is off ' so went straight for it.

He was surprised to discover he was actually tied up to Jersey.


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16 Jul 2014
Chatham Maritime Marina
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Reminds me of the first time the family had sailed to Ostend from Queenborough in 1966. It was a great adventure for a 12 year old boy. Then a small wooden gaff rigged yacht sailed into Ostend and tied up close to us. He was single handed, so we were impressed. He then asked which port he had arrived at. When we said Ostend, he was surprised as he had aimed south east from North Foreland and knew he would arrive at a continental port, probably in France. We were gobsmacked and thought how the hell was he going to get home.


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18 Feb 2007
West London
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Reminds me of the first time the family had sailed to Ostend from Queenborough in 1966. It was a great adventure for a 12 year old boy. Then a small wooden gaff rigged yacht sailed into Ostend and tied up close to us. He was single handed, so we were impressed. He then asked which port he had arrived at. When we said Ostend, he was surprised as he had aimed south east from North Foreland and knew he would arrive at a continental port, probably in France. We were gobsmacked and thought how the hell was he going to get home.

Not too different from the guys rescued just outside St Peter Port, Guernsey, who thought they were in France, complimented the local rescue services on their proficiency in the english language.

Old Bumbulum

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11 May 2018
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he waiting for a mate and they going to sail to Tunisia .
Where he could get a good deal .

Lets hope the police figure this out too - sounds like a lowlife selling scrap boats to desperate migrants for a profit.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Lets hope the police figure this out too - sounds like a lowlife selling scrap boats to desperate migrants for a profit.

Hi ,
if you met the gentleman you know he wasn't about to sail the boat to Tunisia to sell to migrants ,
I be very surprise if the boat make the 25 nm to the end of the island .

The only reason he plain to sail to Tunisia was because for less then €700 he could get a yearly berth contract in the marina and he plain to make Tunisia and the boat his home , that's what I meant by a good deal , should had said that's. My fault for not finishing the sentence.
I was about to say he was taken for a ride when he brought the boat ,
But he didn't say how much he paid , maybe a few thousand ,

The little conversation I had when I helped him re anchor , he came over to me as another dreamer who thought he could buy a cheap boat and sail off , but after sinking one boat one would think he learn his lesson,
In one way I feel guilty that I refused to help bring him back to the boat , on the other hand I probably extended his life by at less one day .
It's 0700 LT and he not returned , knowing the Maltese I wouldn't be surprised if one of the police officers didn't take pity on him and found him a bed for the night, he really came over has a sad soul .
His hatches have all been left open and his dinghy is partly submerged with wash from boat roaring back after a weekend outing , I may at some point I will go over and haul out the dinghy and shut his hatches if he doesn't return this morning .
Tho I been told by my partner to leave well alone and not get involved any further ,

He doesn't look that fit without his cast foot , there no way this guy can get on and off his boat without a real chance of an accident.
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5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
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A great story Vic. You see all life at sea. :)

Please do go over and shut his hatches before the rain arrives if he doesn't return. It sounds as if he's got enough problems on his plate at the moment without the rain adding to them. :(



23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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Pedant mode :) - actually a Laurent Giles the designers' hallmark, a few other creations of his like the Seamaster 23 have this too.

Westerly Pageant No.1 was in our club for decades, she's named ' LGEE ' - Laurent Giles.


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12 Sep 2001
Home - Southampton, Boat - Gosport
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I'm reminded of a bloke who turned up on the public pontoon at Hardway a few years ago. Just bought a boat to live on with his girlfriend. No money, no idea and a tank of outboard fuel to get to the Thames. We gave him some spare lifejackets, charts and lines, plus a few tips that might just keep him alive, and off he went.

I wonder what happened to him I didn't read about any fatalities in the next few months, so I guess he either made it or quit while he was ahead.


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29 Feb 2008
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Reminds me of the time a few years back entering the Ore, saw an elderly yacht aground, went across, his engine had failed, battery flat - a small motor boat managed to get a line from him to me and we pulled him off. Tied alongside and took him to Orford. He owned the boat, in poor condition, very obese, and obviously drunk - he had a 'crew' with him who appeared to do all the work but not at all experienced. Left him on a mooring and when we talked to the harbour master he said that he had been at Orford earlier, again with engine problems. Not sure what happened after that.


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26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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We just had to go up to town in our dinghy , if I told you who we just seen in another dinghy partly inflated with just one oar , you all think I am making it up .


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13 Aug 2010
Bristol / Cornwall
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Westerly Pentland or similar. Boat wont sink but sounds like mast could fall down if turnbuckle fails. Nothing wrong with having no depth gauge, though I would like one amidst the sandbanks of the Bristol Channel, but the fellow clearly had no leadline or knowledge or inclination to use such.

Fellow is the kind of fool who brings authorities down on us all by regulation as they cant target idiots alone


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Well with the help of silver Fox I when back and towed him in and silver fox help to get him back on board .
Not sure what next .
Maybe it's time I anchored else where .