Digital TV could be saved by sailors!

16 May 2001
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Well that is IF you like TV on boats.

No use to us now because we sail in the Med (Brrrrr at the moment in Greece!) but in the last few months on the mega expensive Hamble we took the ITV Digital box from home. It worked a treat on an invertor and using the Gazelle "flying saucer" aerial gave excellent pictures (once re-tuned to the IoW transmitter) even when sailing as the aerial is in now way directional as the (useless afloat unless tied to a pontoon) satellite system.

We were early subscribers to the (then) OnDigital scheme as we didn't want a (vulgar - snob!) dish on the front of our house, so the box is ours as you had to buy them in those days. Opening it up I find that it runs off a 12dc supply unit so direct running from a boat supply without the inverter is a better option.

You have to face up to it that the kids don't always share your desire to conquer oceans and that the boat is just a means of transport from one interesting place to another and that anchoring in a secluded bay is like spending their precious holidays in a wardrobe to them.

Steve Cronin


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16 May 2001
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You're absolutely right about providing the kids with the comforts of home. Plus if it makes my life easier it's a plus! I get reasonable results with my regular Status "flying saucer" aerial but the third booster has just packed up. What do you get with these boxes, 5 digital terrestrial channels? Presumably they will be available S/H soon?
16 May 2001
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Pace are soon to market an inline decoder.

At present we get:-

BBC1,BBC2,ITV1,ITV2,BBC Knowledge (BBC3), BBC Choice(BBC4), CHANNEL 4, NEWS 24 (Excellent for weather charts),E4, & two young kids programmes all for free.

Steve Cronin