Well-known member
Thanks all, after another day doing some research on the web, and hunting high and low on eBay, I've ordered a 5kw heater. Now just waiting delivery, hopefully before January then the 'excitement' of fitting it.
Thank for the info . Hote mine is ok .. been running for 3years now !..
I can’t see why one would buy Chinese heater…
…Buy cheap buy twice
If it’s only twice it’s a super bargain.I can’t see why one would buy Chinese heater not CE marked and with slightly thinner materials to produce at a certain price point IE cheap when the difference for a Planar is only a few hundred. Considering the amount that is spent on boats is all other areas and the potential risk, must be a false economy.
Oh but I can buy 5 for the price of 1, 5 of what? Buy cheap buy twice
Chinese whispers is such dangerous game. Just a case of missing chinglish instructions which are only useful for those in touch with their feminine side who always RTFM!
Question... and this is meant in good spirit - not to be smart or rude in any way.
If you had one of those heaters and fitted it with the supplied items ... would you be happy to leave it running while no-one on the boat.
Question... and this is meant in good spirit - not to be smart or rude in any way.
If you had one of those heaters and fitted it with the supplied items ... would you be happy to leave it running while no-one on the boat ? I ask because I noted an earlier post where guy has GSM connection to start the heater ...
Why do I ask ? Pal of mine had one of those USA MPV's .... Chrysler Voyager ... (to get around EU - they are built in Europe somewhere - just can't remember where at this moment) ... it had a Webasto auto heat system by factory ...
1. Frequent dead battery on the vehicle
2. We could not find any way to switch it off / disable
3. He was lucky one day to go to the vehicle and found it was literally near to going up in flames ... he took to a service and had them disconnect the system
4. After discon - the vehicle suffered strange alarm conditions ...
He now has a Lancia MPV - actually its the latest Chrysler Voyager rebadged - funny thing - this HAS over-ride switch !! Needless to say - he does not use the system after last episode.
I am in the process of replacing the Eber D4 with a broken ECU with my 3rd to me Chinaspacher. I am expecting the install / changeover to be straight forward.
I would add the packaged one in my workshop fires up first time every time even after ~ 8 months off.
As an aside to the main topic, I normally run on Kerosene using the supplied tank, as it burns cleaner. but I'm a bit light of kero presently, so what is the view of ~ 50:50 mix of diesel and kerosene ?
Oil filled rads are fine. I have one on the boat for days when I want to work on her over winter.Tks for reply TSB40 ... appreciated.
My question was more on the line of a person with no info from forums / others and just fitting as supplied. Quite a bit different to your / our situation.
Its funny actually - as I thought about a Diesel Heater for my 'mancave' .... all 12 x 7m of it .... but when pal of mine who is a Heating Engineer worked it all out ... incl what insulation was added etc. - it was better to just have Oil Filled radiators on low. Even when outside hits -30C .... its still above +5 ... usually +10C. All I need is to prevent freezing of my Laser Machine and gear ... I can warm place up quickly if I want to work in there.
Oil fired rads are fine. I have one on the boat for days when I want to work on her over winter.
Just seen this
mobile telephone remote control EasyStart call | 221000340100
…thought about a Diesel Heater for my 'mancave' .... all 12 x 7m of it .... but when pal of mine who is a Heating Engineer worked it all out ... incl what insulation was added etc. - it was better to just have Oil Filled radiators on low.