Diesel fuel fittings - a good source?


Well-known member
17 Sep 2006
In exile in Scotland
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Anyone know a good source of online fuel fittings. Currently the fuel lines are copper (looks copper anyway) and I'm guessing 8mm. Thinking of changing the existing CAV primary filter to a Racor
type, possibly two with a changeover if I feel up to it. Looking to source the fuel line, unions etc to do this. Can you use a combination of copper fuel line and flexible fuel hose or is it best to stick to one or the other?🤔
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Well-known member
1 Dec 2007
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I find Cotswold Engineering vary good (but their search engine is pants, so just use google with site:cotswoldengineeringsupplies.co.uk in the search).

FWIW, my boat uses flexible hose throughout.


Well-known member
12 Sep 2001
Home - Southampton, Boat - Gosport
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possibly two with a changeover if I feel up to it.
Definitely do it. CAV filters are a pain if you aren't dealing with them regularly as they have two O rings that are just different enough to guarantee leaks if you get them wrong, but not enough for it to be obvious when you need to change it in a hurry.

Also, do go for twin filters that you can switch between. I did after a rather fraught entry into Portsmouth Harbour under sail and, of course, that ensured I never had a blocked filter again, because it would take me seconds to switch, so where's the fun in that for whoever the antigod of filters is. I got to the point where I only changed filters when they started to be rusty enough to be a concern, about every 8-10 years.

I went to a local car breakers and got a couple of matching spin-on filter holders, and taps, pipe and connections from ASAP. The whole lot cost me change from £50, though it'll be a bit more now, as this was 20 years ago.