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The cooling water path in these engines is something of a mystery that has had some discussion on the forum. This pic shows the layout.
Unlike other engines there is no diverter valve to push water through the thermostat after cooling the engine, in preference to passing straight through the tube to the manifold where it does no useful cooling. It seems that cooling depends upon a small restriction at the end of the brass tube but this cannot be excessive or the back-pressure before the thermostat opens would destroy the impeller.
Known problems are that the perforations in the brass tube become blocked by salts. It sounds as if that is what is happening in your engine. At tickover more of the water is passing the restriction at the end of the tube rather than going through the perforations, so the engine is less well cooled. Once the pump output increases the flow through the perforations increases and all is well.
I would not worry a lot at present but if the situation deteriorates it is fairly easy to solve by filling the coolant circuit with a chemical that removes the salts, such as Rydlyme
The probability is that the little gods of diesel engines have descended on Dylan's motor and some form of diversionary sacrifice is necessary. Certainly purchasing a Volvo diesel is an open invitation for them to visit.
However, if Dylan can suspend his world-view for a few minutes and try:-
1. Vyv's very practical suggestion (rather than Radlyme I'd use a sulphamic acid descaler, before trying anything else. Run it through a hot engine, don't pollute the environment so collect from the exhaust and recirculate.
2. If that doesn't work have the waterpump out, machined internally and rebuilt with new seals, bearings etc.
Fiddling about with other things may help to single out the cause but won't solve the problem. It's not super-urgent but is probably better done sooner than later or ignoring it will add the risk of something seriously expensive.
Whatever you do don't use a "qualified marine engineer" - IMHO no such thing exists and it's about time Dylan learnt self-sufficiency, stiff upper lip, understatement and other Brit virtues.