Diesel additives to keep fuel tank clean


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8 Oct 2014
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I’m using red diesel on my boat that is at least 11 years old and may be older still. It was in a 1200 litre tank in our garden when we moved in in 2011, the house having been empty for two years prior to that. It is for a generator that we use for perhaps 4 or 5 hours a year when we have a power cut, which are much less frequent than when the generator was installed in 1997. Something to do with power lines being buried rather than overhead.

I dose the tank with Marine 16 periodically and the Jerry cans every time I take 40 litres down to the boat. When red diesel for boats is phased out I think I’ll feed it into the boiler for the central heating a bit at a time. I reckon I’ll be 150 before I use it all in the generator by which time it might have started to go off. For now my generator and my boat engine both seem to cope with decade old diesel. There’s nothing in the fuel as I transfer it from tank to Jerry can using a transparent hose, and no water in the separator on board.


Well-known member
22 Apr 2004
Portchester, Solent
I have used Soltron for 10 years or so. Never had a problem but no idea if that is thanks to the Soltron or not!
Ditto for 17 years or so. Port Solent (used to?) sell their red diesel pre-dosed with Soltron, I always added a bit more for luck. Now they won't fill my cans so have to buy white road diesel. Still using the Soltron (also named Startron?)