Sic in Transit Gloria
Some entertainment of a slightly less drastic sort to be had at Bosham, too
Hilarious. Gawping at Bosham is a good day out depending on where you park. Love the three ducks.
Would passing motorists take such delight if a yacht accidentally slipped its mooring?
A strange thing, schadenfreude.
Bad passage planning by the drivers in question. Failure to calculate height of tide at the port of destination.Looks like they need to put a couple of tide questions in the driver theory test.
It's a big slipway and non-tidal. Perhaps it has a long ramp.Looks to me like Whitehaven harbour is in dire need of dredging.
Why be such a spoilsport? You know no one else other than the idiot diver will suffer harm, if only embarressment.Looks like they need to put a couple of tide questions in the driver theory test.
From memory, it's been well marked for years, but that hasn't stopped people being stupid.
One or two of the incidents will have been expensive - but that's what insurance is for, most of those in the video I posted will have suffered no more than wet feet and embarrassment, so a little schadenfreude is totally in order, in just the same way as the innocent merriment that comes from watching someone make a pigs ear of mooring.
As long as it's only their pride that gets hurt, calling it entertainment is fine in my book, and I speak as one who has provided such entertainment myself on occasion. If it looks like going beyond that, I'll stop being entertained and do my best to mitigate the damage.