Developments at Bradwell


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24 Aug 2005
Here, yah fule
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Oh no! I was looking forward to all that free electricity. I was going to start a cannabis farm, build an aluminium smelter and keep tropical fish! Well, never mind, I will probably be pushing up the daisies before they even start to build the thing!

Ah but with all the radioactive mutations caused by leaks they keep secret those daisies will be as big as a sunflower


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5 Sep 2010
Where life is good
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That's the result of inbreeding….

There was once passed the Burnham on Crouch Act to import people from London to Burnham to reduce the level of in -breeding


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18 Jun 2001
West Mersea in Summer - Ibiza in Winter
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Bernard Jenkin has just been on telly saying that there is not enough water in the Blackwater for the new power station cooling. Is this something he has got from BANNG, or from somebody that knows what they are talking about? There was enough water in the Blackwater for the old power station, so why not the new one? ..... and if this should raise the temperature of the Blackwater, it will be good for all of us


Well-known member
17 Jan 2007
How the hell can there be "not enough water in the Blackwater"????

I don't know who Bernard Jenkins is but is he too stupid to realise that the Blackwater is open to the North Sea and the North Sea is open to the worlds' oceans!

And sea levels are rising so it shouldn't be a problem anyway! (That's an attempt at a humorous comment by the way!)


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29 Aug 2003
Colchester, Essex
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Bernard Jenkin has just been on telly saying that there is not enough water in the Blackwater for the new power station cooling. Is this something he has got from BANNG, or from somebody that knows what they are talking about? There was enough water in the Blackwater for the old power station, so why not the new one? ..... and if this should raise the temperature of the Blackwater, it will be good for all of us
Except... that will increase the fouling....


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23 Aug 2006
Burnham-on-Crouch, UK
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I'm afraid, GOG, that a commercial thorium fuelled reactor would be another decade or two away as no such animal has yet been commissioned in the world, even at prototype scale. There is no doubt that the physics would work but there are still many real world engineering problems to solve, licensind hurdles to leap and financial viability to be demonstrated before anyone, private or public, will stump up the money for this concept.

I was embarassed for poor Bernard in the interview he gave on Bradwell B, he or his researchers were clearly misinformed, although I wouldn't dare suggest the source of the misinformation. The only accurate part was his statement that the B station would require around 5 times more cooling water than the now decommissioned one. I said so myself in an earlier post on this thread. Bernard neglected to say that the water would be returned to the estuary at the same rate, but about 4 to 5 degrees C warmer. As with the old station, it will be impossible to discern any temperature increase once 50m away from the discharge point. I fail to see how that threatens the ecology of the Blackwater.

This question of the warm patch has provided endless interest from the fishing community. After the prolonged cold winter of 1963, there were some who believed that the survival of the oysters off the barrier wall while others died in droves, was essential to keeping all the local oyster fisheries going. Nearly 40 years later when I shut the plant down in 2002, I was slated for destroying the best sea bass nursery in the UK. Whatever you do, you can be sure someone thinks you're wrong!
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Daydream believer

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6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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He came back fifteen minutes later with the box all sorted, only he cheated and threw the mixed numbers away, got new ones from the store and put them in the box, gave up on him then as there's no helping those that don't want to put the effort in.

That is the sort of kid that ends up being boss
He would have ha a b..king from me plus a private note to look after a kid who can think laterally

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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There are very few communities in that radius, just Mersea, Brighlingsea, Burnham and perhaps Jaywick.

Anybody want to buy some solar panels?

Your geography is a bit poor
I suggest you add, Maldon, Burnham Latchingdon, Tillingham Southminster etc etc
Oh & while you are at it add my house in St Lawrence too -- Hurrah!!!!!!

I want to see a new power station but whilst I want to see all goods shipped in by water I would also like to see a byepass round Latchingdon. P..sses me right off when someone parks at the shop in the main street & causes massive jams at rush hour ( It is a good little shop as well)
It would also see an end to delays caused by the idiots who constantly dig up the road just past the junction -after they have re surfaced it