Dead boat


New member
22 Aug 2001
Bristol & Exmouth
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Been watching the progress of small open boat tied up to a pontoon in corner of the dock. It had a leak and was slowly filling with water over the last month or so. When down by the stern so that outboard becoming immersed, I thought it would get rescued, but sad little boat has now gone to watery grave. Well, at least half of it has - bow section still tied to pontoon!
Last I heard, marina berths in pretty short supply . A berth holder who lets this happen should not get a berth, and should have to pay for removal of wreck. Don’t know if owner told by HM or not, but surprised boat allowed to sink in any case.
Nobody wants jackbooted marina officialdom marching about telling us warps aren’t coiled neatly enough etc, but they should stop obvious neglect for everyone’s safety.
Would this happen in your marina? What should we expect? What rules are commonplace? What’s the most stupid rule you’ve come across?


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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It is bloody Exmouth after all. What more do you expect in the docks? Service?!!! Parking?!!!! Security?!!!!

Next you'll be asking for toilets and showers!!! you're OK, got them in the flat, we still have to make use of the pub!!

PS Is Blue Fisher still afloat? Have you used Zenith much recently?


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Byron this is not a marina as you know it, I'm serious when I say there's no power, parking security, toilets, showers etc etc. We only had fresh water a few years ago, and then only one tap to each pontoon! And the hoses were not long enough to reach boats at the end of the pontoon!


Yes, even if only so far as ringing up owner and saying yer boats sinking. But still see at least one like this in most every marina of any size.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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You would think so, but usual nicities don't seem to apply in Exmouth. Attitude is if you don't like it then push off, plenty more where you came from.


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Yes I went this year. To Exmouth, God nows why. Its right wat the pilots book tells you just keep incredibley wide.
Now the start of the fairway is half up the beach. and then it's all icredible stuff. Its topless bathin on-toth-Beath ant chanel all changing and swapping as well. And wit-th eyies all a switching and starin an swapping and th streamin an stuff all running wild.
An then yu telle em, well its like you see em as well,
so yo dosed it as well as it seems.
So. yer chucks pilot book out and look for the next green buoy or two. But it's long John , comming to greet you with his underpants all glaring wide.
Well Byron said he did'nt like poems so he's not got one as well. An now we'll just keep us self goin. oh i'm goin ter bed.
Please dont post this as epics of art.



Well-known member
30 May 2001
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What you been drinking tonite haydn, must be good stuff, drop some off in Exmouth next time you come down!
Hardly understood a word!!!!


Well-known member
6 Sep 2001
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seems to me you been watchin and doin nowt ..maybe the owner has had a car accident or some reason cant inform anyone...If i saw a boat in a marina that I used I Know I would try and help somhow...


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
Re: ....and heres another

...dead boat that is.
On way to Henley this summer saw another sad boat - a beautifully cared for steam launch. You can see pic at: - its the second picture in top row.
Obviously on its way to trad boat rally but left me with a feeling of boaty sadness and wondering what happened...anyone know?
Think general thread here is indicative of modern attitudes to many things re 'am i my brothers keeper'. Would have thought marina would have had a vested interest in taking action to secure their own position as well as an opportunity to exhibit a caring attitude to their clients. Maybe they need a short course in SWOT analysis!



Active member
16 Oct 2001
Porthmadog / Port Leucate
Sadly, most boats are dead boats, long before they sink. Year after year, they sit on their moorings getting covered in green stuff and those with motors have a drive leg corroding away.

Just take a walk along the wharf at Porthmadog harbour and you will see loads. I don't know why someone pays a lot of money for a boat and then leaves it rotting, you would think if they had used it and decided it wasn't for them, they would sell it and recoup some money.


Re: pay attention: Worked example, translation

-----Yes I went this year. To Exmouth, God nows why. Its right wat the pilots book tells you just keep incredibley wide.----
>>>H is starting a new side-issue here. A previous posting from me said "...a marina of any size" so triggering H remebering arriving at a marina. Exmouth.
As we learnt earlier, ignore ALL punctuation and ALL the carriage returns/line breaks. The last part of this this opening stanza shows us that h is re-living the entry to the port.

-----Now the start of the fairway is half up the beach. and then it's all icredible stuff. Its topless bathin on-toth-Beath ant chanel all changing and swapping as well. And wit-th eyies all a switching and starin an swapping and th streamin an stuff all running wild.-----
>>The entrance to Exmouth is all memorable. Theree could be topless bathing, or possibly not. We don't have historical records to back this up. Either way, it's obviously a hazardous entrance.

-----An then yu telle em, well its like you see em as well,
so yo dosed it as well as it seems.-----
>>>This bit means nothing at all. It's simply filler, perhaps helping the feeling of bewilderment.

------So. yer chucks pilot book out and look for the next green buoy or two. But it's long John , comming to greet you with his underpants all glaring wide.
>>>during the entrance to the marina, H gives up looking at the pilot book. He's hallucinating. Remeber that another poster, longjohnsilver, is at this marina, H imagines seeing him in lurid semiclothed detail. This could be a development of the nude bathing fantasy, mentioned earlier.

----------Well Byron said he did'nt like poems so he's not got one as well. An now we'll just keep us self goin. oh i'm goin ter bed.
Please dont post this as epics of art.
>>>>well, this bit is quite easy, again mostly meaning nothing. He's going to bed. The last "sentence" is cheeky and revealing. It's almost as if the writer knows that his prose will be analysed later, anticipates it , but modestly asks that such analysis should not be carried out.

No homework tonight since this a very tough and advanced bit of work today.


Well-known member
6 Sep 2001
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Re: Dead boat/dying boats

Its because people dont get back wot they spent....sooner see it rot...very sad...some think nothing of losing thousands on depreation on a new car 5mins after purchase..anything else its different isnt it..we have all heard it.."I wont take less than"..very sad boats to me are alive and they do die...