Date for the diary!


New member
9 Jan 2003
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Hartlepool are hosting their biggest and best ever maritime festival the weekend of July 3rd and 4th, centred around the Marina and historic dock it promises to be a pretty amazing event.
Endevour will be attending as will another tall ship as yet to be confirmed with a mock sea battle planned just off the marina, H.M.S Trincomalee, a frigate built in 1817 and now fully restored and afloat is based on the Historic quay with its restored 18th century buildings and is a must see, Her platoon of Royal marines will be re-enacting the boarding of an enemy vessel with muskets blazing and suitable blood curdling screams.
There is to be a parade of classic boats, as well as displays by the R.N.L.I and Coastguard S.A.R teams, there will be dragon boat racing, a parachute display team jump into the marina and a fly past of the Battle of Britain memorial flight as well as windsurfing, trick ski and wet bike displays.
There is to be a Gallic market selling trditional gallic wine, foods and crafts, and plenty of live music and street theatre. Even a fair for the kids.
With a huge flotilla expected to go out and escort Endevour into Hartlepool bay it should be a great weekend and a good excuse for some of you from the South East to head North for a change. Any Forumites that want any more info can P.M me and I'll e-mail them details,
If they have a historic vessel and would like to take part in the parade of sail then so much the better. Regards, Mike.

<hr width=100% size=1>My Mum say's I'm not a fat b@st@rd, just heavy boned.