Cuan Sound - Closed?


Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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That sounds an excellent idea, although I have one problem, how do we get it in place?

I remember some years ago in a CCC Journal a photograph of CCC members erecting the most recent perch on the rock. The thing that fascinated me was the photo of their wooden dinghy. It was tied to the perch pole by a long painter to its bows - and it was planing!


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Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
In the far North
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Sting in the tail

I haven't mentioned this but once we floated off - which was a banging and clattering affair - I decided that the tide would be against us by the time we'd gone around to Pladda so thought it would be best to give it bick licks and stick with the Cuan passage. We made it past the cleat rock at perhaps 1.75 kts SOG, then we came into the full rush of the young flood and this dropped us down to 0.5 SOG. We seemed to stand motionless for a long time with rather dry mouths, then began to creep quietly forward as we looked for some water out of the main flood. The only other options would have been to sail backwards from whence we came or attempt a 180 turn upstream of the Cleit. Neither are options really!
Opinion over when to go through seems divided really, some people I've talked to go through at HW slack and some prefer low as you can see the rocks. Jimi, Para and I went through at HW slack and it was like a millpond. I once canoed it right in the middle of the flood which was enormous fun - as was Corryvreckan and the Falls of Lora - but not in Claymore!

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