Cowes Yacht / Ferry crash

Mr Googler

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11 Apr 2008
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Re: Whitelink ran around

No one in the water

The shouting heard was coming from someone on a boat.

I think I’d be shouting if I was on my mooring and the ferry was coming towards me!


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8 Aug 2007
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Re: Whitelink ran around

The last sentence in the report makes interesting reading. :confused:

"The Isle of Wight Ambulance Service has said none of the passengers suffered life-saving injuries."


1 Nov 2014
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Those links are great, Pete.

Looking back a few hours, it really was pea-soup, wasn't it.

But I don't see how fog can be a new element to which the Red Funnel crews are unaccustomed, and yachtsmen aren't likely to have got suddenly, dramatically dafter/more reckless, are they? Even if the reason is congestion in the mouth of the port, how come these unhappy happenings are only occurring now?

These ferries have made many hundreds of journeys in fog.
I was in East Cowes after the previous incident on a morning with equally thick fog. I was able to hear the Captain of the ferry in its terminal make an announcement, (I couldn't see the ship!). He was apologising for the delay in leaving. The delay was due to them having to wait for the fog to clear enough so that he could "see the marks". (paraphrasing). This implies that any electronic nav system was not to be trusted. This may have been a response to the earlier incident, Red Funnel instructing their skippers to move only when they can see well enough, but perhaps it indicates a wider problem with their electronic nav systems, assuming they have them, of course.
Two such gross errors of navigation in such a short time is very curious. The MAIB reports should be interesting.


Well-known member
21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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"A Coastguard search and rescue helicopter was searching the area but due to the low visibility in the area had to turn back."

So what the hell was the ferry doing at sea in those conditions


Well-known member
13 Jul 2002
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Red Falcon is the same ferry that made a diversion through the moored yachts and boats at the end of last month the BBC have reported. Im sure they are used to Fog, i would also guess some sort of technical gremlin.

No that was red Eagle but Red Falcon was involved in a collision with the motor cruiser Phoenix off Calshot on 29 Sept. which is being investigated by the MAIB

Seven Spades

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30 Aug 2003
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Re: Whitelink ran around

The reports are that two boats were struck one of which was sunk. Do we know if these were boats on moorings or just other vessels moving around in the fog?


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17 Mar 2018
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These ferries have made many hundreds of journeys in fog.
I was in East Cowes after the previous incident on a morning with equally thick fog. I was able to hear the Captain of the ferry in its terminal make an announcement, (I couldn't see the ship!). He was apologising for the delay in leaving. The delay was due to them having to wait for the fog to clear enough so that he could "see the marks". (paraphrasing). This implies that any electronic nav system was not to be trusted. This may have been a response to the earlier incident, Red Funnel instructing their skippers to move only when they can see well enough, but perhaps it indicates a wider problem with their electronic nav systems, assuming they have them, of course.
Two such gross errors of navigation in such a short time is very curious. The MAIB reports should be interesting.

The first accident isn’t subject to an MAIB investigation.


20 Jun 2005
South West
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Just curious

Just curiosity, but looking back on Marine Traffic 'past track', Falcon went west of the West Bramble on her way to Cowes, which is quite rare in my personal experience.
[On a RedFunnel car ferry the week before last just after the Mobo planted itself on the Bramble (so it was just about on LWS), we skirted the Bramble very closely].
A: Was he sticking to the shipping channel to reduce the possibility of encountering leisure traffic which doesn't need the deep channel?
B: Was he a newbie under test and doing things by the book
C: Was he following a large ship departing Southampton Water so cutting the corner would not help as he may not have time to cross the bows of the larger ship
D: ????

I get curious when one off-normal event is quickly followed by another off-normal event.



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10 Sep 2007
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What happened?

Ah.. Just found this on the rival thread -

HM Coastguard have issued a statement on this morning’s incident.

A spokesperson has said:

“Just after 8am today (Sunday 21 October) HM Coastguard received reports that the Red Falcon Ferry had collided with at least two yachts whilst trying to berth at the entrance of Cowes Harbour during heavy fog.
“At around the same time we received a 999 call from a member of the public reporting that he’d heard cries for help within Cowes Harbour.
“We are currently carrying at an extensive search of the area with Cowes RNLI lifeboat, Calshot RNLI lifeboats and Coastguard Rescue Teams from Bembridge, Needles and Ventnor. A Coastguard search and rescue helicopter was searching the area but due to the low visibility in the area had to turn back.
“The ferry with 56 persons onboard remains grounded at the entrance at Cowes. Those persons onboard are safe and well.
“The search is ongoing and we have no further information at this stage”.
UPDATE @ 10:57 – A major incident has been declared, Island Echo understands.

3 Coastguard Rescue Teams, 2 lifeboats and a Senior Coastguard officer are all involved in this incdient. Police and paramedics are now also on scene.​

This is appalling ! Twice in as many weeks an out of control ferry ploughs into moored yachts in a fog-bound Cowes harbour. Extremely lucky no fatalities, there could so easily have been families sleeping peacefully on those yachts that are now lying on the bottom of the river Medina. We should all write to our MP; the MCA; Cowes Harbour Commission; the press and anyone else that may be able to help. It wouldn't take many of us to block the entry to the ferry terminals in both Cowes and Southampton until Red Funnel agree to stop all ferry services during times of reduced visibility. No point in waiting for MAIB report as they will not be investigating either of these events as there were no injuries. Something needs to be done before one of us is killed.

Lucky Duck

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9 Jun 2009
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Re: Whitelink ran around

You can see just the top of the mast sticking up above the water on the TV news footage. :ambivalence:


We passed by this afternoon, there is a mast visible but it is right inshore of the moorings so I guess it has been moved at some point.

The pile marking the 'short cut' along the East side of the breakwater is still at angle from the last incident