There should be a place where you can go and get one - but there ain't. Sailing and of the female gender and willing to go out in anything above F3 are like gold dust.
(S)pinnakers (H)eeling (I)nclement weather (T)roublesome tums are the downfall as far as most women are concerned.
Women's strengths lie in other places I fear.
Women do not like taking chances because of bringing up children. The development of man and woman so far has dictated this. Men ? We of course are expendable in order to find pastures new to feed them. That's why we like sailing.
My wife would agree with your sentiments - though some might doubt your social anthropology.
One American reckons that, equally to our development of the finger and hallux grip, it was Granny-power that spelt out the supremacy of the human race.
The best \'Hand Held\' on a boat is still the wife
And as you say there's more of them now.
If there is a choice at the Purly Gates I'am coming back as one so as to try and swell the ranks a bit. Providing that I can still retain my sailing genes that is.