Condensation when staying onboard!


27 Oct 2008
North Norfolk
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We prop open the forehatch a bit and partly open the companionway sliding hatch. That way you get a through draft.

You will sleep better with the fresh air entering your lungs and, in the morning, you can have a bracing swim in the sea to set you up for the day. :D

We do exactly the same with very little condensation problems, when we're aboard the hatch never gets shut fully.

Not so sure that swimming helps much though:D


14 Dec 2008
Boat: Pembrokeshire
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Thanks for all the replies,

It seems the general idea is to have plenty of ventilation, we have had a full cockpit enclosure made so maybe this will allow us to have the main cabin hatch open without it turning into a fridge inside the boat.

Just remembered that the bow cabin, heads and wardrobe windows all open so maybe I could find a way to have these open a little bit to allow ventilation.

We find that the compartment where the calorifier is located is always dry and even the lockers that the water pipework runs through. Overnight we keep the heater in the area between the main cabin and bow cabin and find that the window above is always dry, this makes me think that maybe a fan heater would distribute the heat a little better. We find that the convector heater gives off a good heat but it doesnt distribute it well around the boat. I think a diesel hot air heater is the way to go but they are just so expensive and I have read such a lot of threads where they are breaking down and costing a fortune to repair!!

SWMBO also suggested that the water tank could be causing condensation between the cushions and bed bases. This thought hadn't occured to me before but underneath the bow cabin berths the water tank is located and there is no insulation around it!! Maybe some bubble wrap packed between the tank and bed base would help the condensation underneath the bedding.

Thanks again for the replies, its all brilliant advice and hopefully our next stay onboard will be better!!
