Folks, just some information, I am in the process of rewiring an old Hurley 22 and bring the nav lights up to standard i.e. trilight, anchor light and steaming lights. I was expecting to replace the existing trilight with a combined tri light/anchor light (£54) plus one stern light (£8.00), one red/green bilight (£8.00) and a white masthead light (£8.00)plus all the associated cabling throgh deck fittings was becoming quite expensive. However Lazilas have done us proud they have developed a combined light for boats under 12m, it gives steaming and trilight and by running a 4 core cableup the mast and the clever use of switches also provides the anchor light for the princely sum of £25.99 (Alladin) all the lights will mounted on the top of the mast for every one to see, one cable, one thru deck fitting, can't be bad.