You may be aware that the SAR helo at Portland is under threat. We are campaigning as hard as we can to save it (see website www20.brinkster.com/whiskeybravo).
Unfortunately we have a limited amount of time and a small no. of personnel (although that is growing at an astonishing rate), so would greatly value any support we can get.
There is a big water and land borne demo. planned for the 18th July. So far we have commitments from Weymouth Portland Seaton and Beer. Please come along and be counted if you live in one of these towns. Flyers will be out shortly. If not why not raise support for a similar protest in your area.
If you are unable to commit to the above please write to the PM. (Sample letters on the website)
Lives WILL be lost if the MCA have their way.
Unfortunately we have a limited amount of time and a small no. of personnel (although that is growing at an astonishing rate), so would greatly value any support we can get.
There is a big water and land borne demo. planned for the 18th July. So far we have commitments from Weymouth Portland Seaton and Beer. Please come along and be counted if you live in one of these towns. Flyers will be out shortly. If not why not raise support for a similar protest in your area.
If you are unable to commit to the above please write to the PM. (Sample letters on the website)
Lives WILL be lost if the MCA have their way.