Cherbourg Scuttlebutt September 2018


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25 Feb 2013
Me North Dorset. Venezia in Portland.
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Still looking like I'll be there. Probably going to go alone - SH Channel crossing has been a little ambition of mine for a while. As things stand, I'm a yes and on my own. Things may change though!

Would like to sail with / near other boats if possible - who's going from Weymouth or Portland, and what day / time?

SimonFa, Krew2 and others, what are your plans?

As I said earlier, I can’t make it this year, family commitments.

I note the neaps are Sun 8th (0%) and Sun 22nd (25%) next year, so I’ve already made a bid for both weekends in the family diary.
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20 Sep 2006
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I am now looking at 1-2 probably 1 I am guessing and it depends on getting a prop issue sorted which I should be able to confirm tomorrow. BBC weather says westerlies all weekend. Just saying ...........


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17 Dec 2003
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Fri Sep 21st is now on the GFS and ECMWF radars with early forecasts ranging from SW27kts (GFS) to E18kts (ECMWF). Just a game until a week or so out! Civil Twilight is between 06:17 and 19:39. Moonrise 18:00 and it sets at 02:35.

Seriously though, it transpired last year that a few less experienced crews were hesitant about the crossing and in some cases bothered by the fact that optimising tidal gates can require some night sailing. Rounding the back of the Needles into a seaway in the black of night always seems a bit daunting, and breaking land can be stressful even for those entirely happy offshore - all those ropes to tidy, sails to settle, crashes below as bags fall to the floor. Thoughts can easily turn to what on earth am I doing out here and the lure of Yarmouth or wherever can be felt :ambivalence:

That said, once you're settled and on the way a magical sail can beckon. As ever, this is an inclusive event for all levels, all ages, all sexes, boozers, teetotaleres, and all propulsion types. Any and all questions are welcome re the crossing and we will as usual announce a radio net channel later this week.

Yada yada, but important nevertheless: this is not an organised rally. Skippers produce their own passage plans and make their own way there and back, but there is the opportunity for those who sign up to co-ordinate their departures times and so to “sail in company”. The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in this event is at all times hers alone and by taking part in this event, each participant agrees and acknowledges that. There is no requirement for people to arrive by a certain time, nor to stay a minimum period.
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Well-known member
2 Sep 2001
Me - Zumerzet Boat - Wareham
Yada yada, but important nevertheless: this is not an organised rally. Skippers produce their own passage plans and make their own way there and back, but there is the opportunity for those who sign up to co-ordinate their departures times and so to “sail in company”. The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in this event is at all times hers alone and by taking part in this event, each participant agrees and acknowledges that. There is no requirement for people to arrive by a certain time, nor to stay a minimum period.
I'm sure you didn't mean it Dom, but this is starting to sound like a disclaimer, the only thing missing is the signature block!
For the rest of you guys who haven't attended before, it's a jolly good day (or night) sail across to Cherbourg which has two entrances so if you miss one you can aim for the other and that are wide enough that we could all enter in line abreast :)
This year I'm putting what's left of the rest my life in the hands of Tranona, with whom I have not signed any waver but who, I'm sure, will look after me very well :encouragement:


Well-known member
17 Dec 2003
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I'm sure you didn't mean it Dom, but this is starting to sound like a disclaimer, the only thing missing is the signature block! For the rest of you guys who haven't attended before, it's a jolly good day (or night) sail across to Cherbourg which has two entrances so if you miss one you can aim for the other and that are wide enough that we could all enter in line abreast :) This year I'm putting what's left of the rest my life in the hands of Tranona, with whom I have not signed any waver but who, I'm sure, will look after me very well :encouragement:

Tranona is a great sailor and his boat sails sweet as a bell. Totally agree regarding the disclaimery sounding stuffy bit to which the background is this:

Some of the attendees occasionally ask for a little advice/encouragement before starting: on here, via pm, phone call, etc. Angele, I and others are naturally delighted to help in any way we can with weather/routing advice and other little things like running an informal radio web. So last year I asked a lawyer colleague for an informal opinion and she advised that for the purpose of general clarity and to some extent the law, it would make sense for us to make clear that such advice did not in any way pass judgement on any particular boat/crew's suitability for the passage on any given day.........

And it ended up sounding like turgid twaddle! 2018, eh!

Anyway, you make the point well: it's normally a great sail, great people and great fun. There are worse ways to spend a w/e then blasting around the Channel for day, a few beers, then a less-feisty blast back :rolleyes:
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Well-known member
16 Jul 2014
Chatham Maritime Marina
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Looking at the crossing, I was intending to sail on the Friday and plan to arrive in daylight. Not sure if I shall leave from the Needles or Poole, but will depend on the wind direction. So I expect an early morning start. Looking forward to the sail across, just making sure to arrive up tide of Cherbourg.


Well-known member
5 Mar 2006
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Sadly I have to bail out from this year's bash having just learnt of a hospital appointment being scheduled for Friday afternoon. Dom has been advised. Have a great time all - I will raise a glass to you on Saturday evening!



Well-known member
17 Dec 2003
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Sadly I have to bail out from this year's bash having just learnt of a hospital appointment being scheduled for Friday afternoon. Dom has been advised. Have a great time all - I will raise a glass to you on Saturday evening!Pete
Tis a pity, but priorities are priorities and all that. Okay, according to Minn's provisioning post I can now lighten the old ragboat to the tune of a barrel of salt pork, two chickens, three quarts of milk, a hundredweight of spuds, a keg of rum....:)


Well-known member
2 Jun 2005
Solent, UK
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Tis a pity, but priorities are priorities and all that. Okay, according to Minn's provisioning post I can now lighten the old ragboat to the tune of a barrel of salt pork, two chickens, three quarts of milk, a hundredweight of spuds, a keg of rum....:)

Belay landing the keg of rum. This must mean there’s a bunk for me now.....