Canaries berth reservations?


Well-known member
3 Jul 2002
At sea somewhere.
We’re heading down to the Canaries and planning on leaving Serendipity there over Christmas and crossing in early January. I’ve written to to ask to reserve a berth but had a reply saying that they don’t do reservations.

“Good morning Mr. Morris,
We inform you that we do not make reservations at this marina. Upon arrival at the marina, the staff will inform you about the availability of berth and, if there is no availability, you can wait in the anchorage area (in front of the Alcaravaneras beach) until we have a berth available. The hours of the marina staff are from 07:00 to 22:00. Contact the marina on VHF channel 11 when you are near the marina entrance to receive instructions. It is not allowed to anchor from March 15 to September 15. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Técnico de Operaciones
Dársena de Embarcaciones Menores
Autoridad Portuaria de Las Palmas.

All the information I’ve had says it’s best to reserve a berth as everywhere is likely to be full. I’ve no experience of the Canaries so has anyone any ideas/suggestions?


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9 May 2009
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Email them again, only this time attach a gift voucher for about £200?

‘Dear Mr Morris, I’m delighted you’ve chosen our marina and can offer you one of finest berths….!’


Well-known member
3 Jul 2002
At sea somewhere.
Email them again, only this time attach a gift voucher for about £200?

‘Dear Mr Morris, I’m delighted you’ve chosen our marina and can offer you one of finest berths….!’
If only. The intelligence I’ve received is that Las Palmas is a state-run marina and they actually ask local berth holders to move to allow the ARC to come in and with an ARC in January as well that means space is very limited. So if you’re part of the ARC you get a reserved space but no one else is allowed to reserve spaces.


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15 Mar 2007
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Busy time in the islands. They've all probably had people not turning up in the past and could have grown wary. Also Las Palmas is well stretched for the ARC. I avoid the place most of the time. Least friendly staff in the whole group of islands.

You can normally make advanced bookings at any of the 3 Lanzarote marinas.

Fuertaventura has one on the east side that always has space, Gran Tarajal. Don't think they take bookings.

Tenerife opti9n is Santa Cruz.usually got space.

Gran Canaria, try Puerto Mogan or Puerto Rico.

La Gomera, marina San Sebastian is lovely but I think won't take bookings outside of two weeks.

I've been to nearly all the Canarian marinas so if you have any questions, do give me a shout. I also have my copy of the Canary Island Cruising Guide that's got lots of useful email addresses and telephone numbers.

It's a different style of sailing here, took me a while to get used to it......


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15 May 2005
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Just resurrecting this thread as I was about to start a similar one.

We're eyeing up a Transat this winter and obviously will be stopping at the Canaries. Not sure exactly how long for- earliest we could get there would be about mid October, so a couple of months maybe.

Budget is a bit tight, right now Gran Tarajal looks a good option- does anybody know the current prices? And is there anywhere else in a similar sort of price range that we could consider? Ideally we don't want to stay in the same place the whole time.

I heard great things about La Gomera but at €25.50/night it's out of budget for a long stay.

We're CA members- any discounts to be found?

If it helps, we have a 6yr old aboard and our priorities are beaches, playparks, good walking and cycling, and good supermarkets. Not really bothered about restaurants or bars...


Well-known member
15 Mar 2007
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On a budget I would try La Graciosa, the 8th island but be prepared for a berthing argument.

Next, anchor outside Marina Rubicon, Lanzarote, all you need. Not sure on charges for dinghy tie up.

In Fuertaventura, the council run marina in Rosario is new and friendly but a tad noisy. Gran Tarajal is fab. For mebbe a week. Cold showers. Oh, big extension to Coralejo in North has given lots more berthing options. Council run, not been for a bit but used to be very cheap. Lovely town with beaches.

Gran Canaria has some nice anchorages along the south coast and the option to nip in, say, Puerto Mogan for a couple of days.

Tenerife has Santa Cruz in the North East. Bit noisy but fab beach a cheap bus ride away. All southern marinas are pricey and often full.

La Palma has two choices. The marina in the capital is bumpy despite the lock gate and everyone noisy. Tazacorte on the west coast is delightful, but has limited berthing and a tad isolated. Not been there since the volcano thing.

La Gomera is worth couple of days despite the price. San Sebastian is a charming little town, again with beaches.

El Hierro has two options, I've only been to Restinga in the south. Bonkers place, go on to harbour wall, bit tidal but have never found anyone to pay.

That skims it a bit, but do shout if you have more questions. I have a good pilot book to hand with lots more stuff. (y)


Well-known member
17 Jun 2008
Surrey and Gosport UK
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Might be my soft uk view but some of the marina in south tenerife look quite basic and hard to enter even? I’m sure the capn knows more though . Mooring on fuel pontoons I think you said.


Well-known member
15 Mar 2007
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Most marinas in South Tenerife don't have visitor berths. The only one available in peak season is Marina San Miguel but prepare to raft on the main loooong pontoon and apart from the marina bar, it's a loooong walk to .......anything.

I did blag a night once in Puerto Colon on the diesel dock but got asked to leave just after sunrise.


Well-known member
20 Mar 2002
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Might be my soft uk view but some of the marina in south tenerife look quite basic and hard to enter even? I’m sure the capn knows more though . Mooring on fuel pontoons I think you said.
Super easy to enter both San Miguel and Marina Sur (where we currently have our boat). Basic ? I guess it depends what you are after. Las Galletas does have a swell issue where the biggest issue has been not being able to do what the motor boats do and cross stern lines without rubbing away at our cockpit coamings.


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6 Sep 2001
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Just taken this this morning at 0900, the white yacht to the left has been there a long while,a month+ at least. its the bay at los Cristianos.
A good place for a stopover if your not to worried about anchoring off.
I'm sure RupertW knows the place.


Well-known member
20 Mar 2002
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Just taken this this morning at 0900, the white yacht to the left has been there a long while,a month+ at least. its the bay at los Cristianos.
A good place for a stopover if your not to worried about anchoring off.
I'm sure RupertW knows the place.
View attachment 142333
We have never stopped overnight there but anchored for lunch and seen boats there for a long while.

That whole coastline is calm when the prevailing wind is howling so swell is the only annoying thing in the 4 or 5 anchorages - always worth checking the swell direction and period.
Our favourite is Masca - just north of Los Gigantes - we often spend a few days there if the swell period doesn’t match our boat’s resonant frequency. One day I’ll create the perfect flipper stopper.

If the swell is from the West we cross over to an anchorage just north of the Tecina Golf club by Santiago on La Gomera. And San Sebastián marina is close by and usually has spaces even in this busy season.