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The weather in the UK this year has finally done it for me. Enough sitting waiting for the sun. Lets go where it is! Have Prout Snowgoose Elite Cat which is 37 ft X 16ft 3ins beam but draws less than 3 ft max. Crew of one is relatively inexperienced (nice legs though!) so while natural inclination otherwise would be Gib via Biscay and Portugal, I am seriously considering Canal route to Med instead. Most canal locks seem a bit tight for beam but C du Midi seems to have more clearance. Has anyone recent experience of going through? Any advice for a geriatric old fart with lots of open water experience but never been inland? Obviously have to swat up on CEVNI and get endorsement to International Certificate (anyone ever been asked to show it by the way?) Have "Inland Waterways of France" by David Edwards-May which makes it sound a doddle but it would be nice to hear from someone who has done it recently as I have heard horror stories of it drying up and falling into disrepair (probably fictional) Not sure how long it would take either. If I leave in May next year and day sail I guess I will enter Gironne easily by Mid June. Eventual destination Greece but realistically not in one year. Suggestions please for overwinter stop (would wish to leave boat and come home for winter I guess) Philosophy would be to enjoy trip and not hurry......
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