Ummmmm, OK, I think I know what this might be.
The buttons appear to be running Java scripts and I suspect that you have either a) Not got Java installed for your browser or b) You have got it disabled in your Internet Options Security Settings.
To check, go to Tools/Internet Options, click the Security Tab at the top of the window, select Internet as the web content zone, click Custom Level at the bottom,
scroll down and see if you have an option called "Microsoft VM" - if you do, under that option you should have something called "Java Permissions". This should be set to "High Safety" and definately NOT "Disable Java". Click OK to save the change and click OK again to leave the Options dialogue. Hit F5 to refresh the webpage and ...... the buttons should have appeared.
If you don't see the Microsoft VM options anywhere, let me know and I'll point you in the right direction to download the Java Virtual Machine which is what you need to view the buttons.
Curiouser and curiouser ........ you could just try setting it to low security and see if that makes a difference. You MUST refresh the webpage after making the change otherwise the new setting won't take effect.
If you're feeling adventurous, you could try downloading the latest version of the Java plug-in from (How DO you insert this as a hyperlink???)- this has the download as well as installation instructions.
This is weird - there are other possibilities. Are you local to Chichester? I could pop in and take a quick look at your machine if you want me to? I've got to pass through Chi to get to my boat..... let me know.
Or PM me with your phone number and I'll try to talk you through other settings to check, though it's easier if I can look at it "face to face" really. Up to you.